Part 3

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the morning came.. and some of the members in the kitchen .. but Kai and baekyun were not ..
d.o asked angrily "where is baekyun?" everyone looked at each other warily .. d.o sighed"how many times should i wake him up ?" he stood and went to the room while Chen tried to hold his laughter "this Will be fun ! 1 .. 2 .. 3 !" and after the last number a shriek could be heard "aaaaaaah .. WHAT ! D.O KYUNGSOO! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU !! HOW DARE YOU POUR THIS MUCH OF WATER ON ME ! YAH ! I AM TALKING!  YAAAH" d.o appeared again holding an embty bucket and started preparing a dish ...
baekhyun came afterwards stumping ,dripping with water and a frown .. "I really need to call human rights ! this is sooo unhuman!" kyungsoo turned around and sent daggers with his eyes " and tell them to send you someone who will cook for you and clean your garbage of a room" Baek Hyun huffed and pouted "soo-ah! i am sowy!" d.o looked disgusted by the fail attempt of aegyo "please don't do that again" Baek Hyun looked at him blankly "but you smile when Kai does it ! that's unfair ! you give him whatever he wants when he does it !" d.o Said " youngsters do aegyo to their hyungs .. NOT the other way around" Baek Hyun kept sulking but then noticed "where is he anyways ?" d.o placed the dish in front of Baek Hyun while answering "asleep" .. Baek gapped at him "are you SERIOUS ! you let him asleep while waking me with A BUCKET OF WATER! " kyungsoo said calmly "he is tired" Baek immediately caught the change in the mood "is he okay?" chanyeol answered "he refused to drink soo's hot chocolate.. no one can EVER refuse his hot chocolate you know .. so no .. he is definitely not okay"
Chen said "even in the dance practice we had yesterday he wasn't focusing.. he kept making mistakes.." sehun added "and he called soo hyung (hyung)" they stared at him shocked and Chen whispered "oh .." lay said "I didn't notice anything weird about him " the members looked at him blankly "you never notice anything hyung " Baek said sarcastically and then turned to soo who kept silent "did you talk to him ?" d.o said while playing with his food "he is just pressured" Baek didn't buy it but he could see that his dongsaeng was uncomfortable .. chanyeol being the oblivious guy he is "I don't really think so .. are you sure he didn't say anything ? i mean .. you are his favourite hyung after all .. he would tell yo- " d.o said calmly "like I said .. he is just tired .." this time .. they all stopped talking about Kai noticing how d.o didn't want to talk about him ..
Baek thought a little of how to cheer kyungsoo and clapped his hands cheerfully "okay ~ who wants to have pizza for tonight ? it is on me" the others cheered out and discussed what kind should they order .. Baek leaned to d.o and asked him "soo .. which one do you want ?" d.o refused to meet his eyes and just murmured "nothing hyung .. i have some vocal practice later on .. i won't be back early .. thanks though " baek's eyes widened 'did he just call me hyung !!'
d.o stood and put his dish in the sink and excused himself ..
the others kept making noise while baek kept thinking deeply ..

Under His SmileNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ