♦I'm Trying♦

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Charlie's POV

I went to go lay in bed trying to take a nap but I couldn't sleep. I heard the bedroom door open then close. Then I felt Cameron get in the bed.

"I'm trying so hard Charlie." Cameron said. "What are you talking about Cam?" I said still not looking at him. "I'm trying hard to be strong, for you, the fans, everyone. It gets to be too much to handle sometimes." I turned around so that I was facing Cameron.

"I'm supposed to protect you and I can't even do that." Cameron said starting to break down. "Cameron don't cry." I said softly. "You are always there for me when I have my breakdowns. You know how to calm me down. You know how to make me laugh and I really do appreciate that." I said.

"I just hate seeing you cry. I don't know what to do." I chuckled and grabbed Cameron's hand. "I don't know what to do when I cry. That's a lot of things wrong with me Cam. I'm broken and I don't like talking about how I feel or what's bothering me except to my cousin Dakota or my friend Sunny. But I feel like I can talk to you about anything and not feel judged." I said and saw Cameron smile a little bit.

Cameron's POV

"Like what happened in the bathroom I would never tell my parents or my brothers about that." Charlie said. "I would just keep it in but I feel like I can talk to you." I smiled and kissed Charlie's forehead. "So what was it like growing up at your house?" I asked.

"It was different. My parents are wealthy business owners. Growing up they weren't around a lot. I didn't have a close relationship with them. And I felt like I had no one to talk to about my problems. I wasn't close to my parents like you were. I had all this money but I wasn't happy. " Charlie said.

"And then I found out that I was adopted so they're not even my real parents or siblings. I don't know my real parents or family or why they didn't want me." Wow, I didn't even know that about Charlie.

"That only people I felt close to is my friend Sunny, Jasmine, and Dakota. But I feel happy when I am around you." Charlie said smiling at me. "There was a lot of things I wouldn't do before I met you but you changed that. I really do appreciate that Cameron."

I smiled and looked at Charlie. "I don't know what to say but I will always be there for you Charlie." "I know Cameron." Charlie said closing her eyes. A few minutes later Charlie fell asleep. I got up and pulled the blanket over her.

A little after me and Charlie get married I have to leave for the Magcon tour for the summer and shoot my show Chasing Cameron. So I have a lot to do in a little bit of time.

So today I'm going to look at suits with a few of my friends. I'm ready to get this day over with. I called up my friends Aaron, Chris, Taylor, my mom, Sierra and her boyfriend.

We all met up at the tailor. I gave my mom a hug. "Hi mom." I said. "Hi darling. How are you?" She asked. "I'm doing fine. Charlie had a little break down but everything is good now." I said.

We all walked into the place and they had suits everywhere. "Hello everyone. My name is Ben and what do you need help with?" "Um I'm looking for a suit for me and my friends because I am getting married." I said.

"Oh wow. Congratulations on your marriage. What's the lucky lady's name?" Ben asked. "Her name is Charlotte. She's an amazing person." I said smiling. "Well once again congratulations on your marriage and let's find you a suit."

After about an hour of looking I finally found a suit for the wedding. I was tired of all this wedding planning so I went straight home. I walked in the house looking for Charlie. I finally found her in the bathroom. She had dyed her hair.

"What do you think about it?" She asked rinsing out the sink. "I like it. It's definitely different but I like it." I said running my fingers through her wet hair. "Good because it's gonna be like this for a while." She said plugging in her blow dryer. I left the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I was really relieved to see that Charlie was feeling better.

A/N: I hate when I write a chapter and it doesn't save. It makes me want to cry sometimes.

An Arranged Marriage (Cameron Dallas)Where stories live. Discover now