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Ice cold darkness
That's all you could feel, see and hear
For miles and miles, day after day
You arnt alone
Always now and forever

Sitting up against the tree, panting. I bent over and attempted to vomit, but all that came out was a tiny bit of...blood. "(Y/n), where are you!~", my breath hitched, they where getting so close. I couldn't feel my hands, they where starting to go purple from being tied up, the blood that poured out of my arm was like an ongoing waterfall, except it's blood, a bloodfall? And after tripping over before, I'm pretty sure I twisted my ankle.

My silent panicking was met with screems, screems coming from...them, the kids who where chasing me, what was going on?, what's happening to them?. Everything was becoming a haze, I felt like I couldn't breath.

Static started filling my ears, my head dropped forward as it started throbbing. What's going on?! Not even a moment later, everything was quiet, the static stopped. I looked up, looking around frantically, my eyes stopped and stared at the stream, it was still. It was almost like it was frozen in time and it had almost no colour, it was almost grey, why?

(A/n): the water shouldn't be blue to begin with, because there are clouds covering the sky. Water only appears blue cause it's reflecting the blue sky. But I'm making the water appear more grey, like it's not what it should look like even if there are clouds...sorry if this made no sense)

As if almost in a trance, I stumbled over to the water, it was like it was calling to me. I got closer and closer, until finally, I fell in. Water started filling my lungs, all I could hear was the sound of my heart beating faster over and over again.

Everything went black.

(A/n: ohohohoh cliff hanger ✌︎('ω'✌︎ ))~

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