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You and Sean enter his large apartment. "Wow," you say. "Your room is that one," Sean says, pointing to a room. "You can just throw your stuff in there, then we can start recording if you want." "Sure," you agree. You go to the guest room and put your suitcase on the bed.

You look around a bit then decide to go to Sean's recording room. He was in there on his computer, frowning at something. "What's wrong?" You ask. "Some of my files disappeared of off my desktop." Sean explains. "Anything really important?" You inquire further. "Just some pictures and stuff so far. I'm trying to see if I can install an anti-virus or something." Sean says. After a couple of minutes, he says, "Done. You ready to record?" You nod. Sean sets up his equipment to do so, and you pull up a chair beside him.

"Top of the mornin' to ya laddies!" You flinch as Sean does his intro. He's louder in real life. "I'm here with (y/n)." "Hi!" you say with a smile. "today, we'll be playing more of Super Mario Maker!"

You and Sean spend about an hour taking turns trying some of the very interesting levels of the game. "Well, that does it for this episode--" "Wha-?" You exclaim in surprise, since you had just died. You brace yourself for when Sean does his outro. "And I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEO!!"

You laugh a little at this. Sean stops recording, gets up, and stretches. "You want some dinner?" He asks you. You look at the clock and realize that it's about 6. The time zones were a bit different but since you hadn't eaten lunch, you accepted. You and Sean both head for the door, when Sean stops. "I just want to check something." He says. He sits back down at the computer and pulls up the video.

You sit with him. Sean presses play, but the screen goes black. "What the-" Sean says. You frown, looking a bit confused. You hear a high pitched noise come from the video. A man's head appears on the screen. Both of you squint to see who it is, but it's too dark to tell. All you can see is the image twitching, then smiling. Right after that, the video cuts off, but the two of you hear a strange laugh.

You have a bad feeling about this. Suddenly, the power goes out, but not the computer. The screen goes snowy and all you hear is white noise. "Sean, what's going on?" You ask in fear. "I--I don't know." Sean says, just as nervously. The ground shakes beneath the two of you. "Sean?" You say. Sean grabs your arm and pulls you under the desk. As the quake worsens, you watch something emerge from the screen above you. It is green and kind of hazy. It actually resembles a ghost. Almost as soon as the figure emerges, it disappears.

You cringe as you hear the eerie lauthter again.

Virus (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now