No More

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"You!" Dark exclaims. He charges over to Mark. "Run," Sean says quietly. "No, no, I'm not doing this again," you say, on the verge of hysterics. "Relax," Sean says. He turns you so that you can him in the eye. Yours are afraid, but his are sympathetic and brave. "I'll be right behind you this time," he encourages. As Anti walks briskly to Sean, you know what you need to do. You duck under Anti's arm and run for the door. "Hey!" He calls. Dark starts to chase you, but Mark jumps on his back. You turn as you make it to the door, but, true to his word, Sean is right behind you. "Go!" He urges.

The two of you run down the now familiar, dark hallways. All at once, every bit of the toture you've been through catches up with you. Your throat feels like it's on fire, and your legs feel like jelly. You make a weird, breathless noise, because you can't seem to speak. You're trying to let Sean know that you can't run for much longer, but then your vision goes spotty. You feel yourself hit the ground before you even knew you were falling. You cough, hard. The taste of blood fills your mouth. Suddenly, Mark seems to appear from nowhere, and drops beside you. However, he's not in pain, nor is he unconscious. You hear him and Sean talking quickly to each other, and you're sure at least one of them calls your name, but you can't even force yourself to answer. Every sound is echoing and foggy in your brain.

You feel a pair of arms scoop you up, bridal-style. Judging by the flash of green hair yoh see in front of you, Sean is leading the way, and Mark is carrying you. You press your face into his chest, for looking around made you feel dizzy. "You're fine, (y/n). Everything is gonna be okay," he reassures you quietly. He continues saying things like that, while you focus on catching your breath and staying awake. "It hurts," you whisper. Mark slows a bit and asks, "What does?" "My throat," you say weakly. You hear Mark sigh in what sounds like relief. He picks up the pace again. "It's just because you've been running so much, and haven't gotten a lot of sleep lately," he says. "Don't worry. We're gonna get you back to Sean's house, and we'll get you some food, water, and a place to sleep." But Mark sounds like he's trying to reassure himself, as well as you.

Sean and Mark burst into a room with yet another computer on the desk. You peek and see that the monitor shows Sean's recording room. But you also see Dark and Anti, looking as angry as ever. "I can't believe that you would be stupid enough to try this again," Anti says coldly. "Anti, why? Why do you have to target (y/n)?" Sean asks. "Let her go, we can work something out. She doesn't deserve this!" You jump, since Mark yelled the last part. You weakly glance at Dark, who is staring at you. "You know why. She's seen too much," Anti says. He, too, is watching you. You turn your face away, uncomfortable.

You see Sean edging his way to the door. "Don't you dare," Dark says, raising his finger. Naturally, Sean doesn't listen, but instead bolts out the door. Dark races after him. Mark puts you down against the wall. Anti walks over, with threats in his eyes. He and Mark bump chests, but you see that Mark is staring daggers at the virus. "It doesn't need to be like this and you know it," Mark says in a low voice. "Oh, I think it does," Anti responds, teeth showing. You can tell Mark is getting angry. You find your voice. "Mark, just...calm down--" you say. "I am calm," he cuts you off. "No, just--watch it." You continue. He looks at you, and realizes what could happen if he gets upset. "Right," he says after a minute.

Just then Sean flies into the room, with something in his hand. It looks like a spray can. Dark comes running in, then stops when he sees that Sean is holding the can over his head, ready to fire. "Nobody move," he says sternly. "What are you doing?" Anti asks, glitching like crazy. "Don't even think about it." "Then let us go. All of us," Sean says. He is more serious than you have ever seen him. That's when you realize what is in his hands. It's the anti virus...the one thing that you are sure can stop Dark and Anti.

Virus (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now