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You and Sean sit under the desk for a few more minutes. When the hazy figure does not appear again, you decide to see what's going on. Septiceye plushies and action figures had toppled off the shelf and landed on the floor. One of the lamps in the room had been knocked over from the tremors. There was an empty mug on the floor. "What was that?" You ask, looking around. "Earthquake, maybe?" Sean says. But he too seems a bit confused. The power flicked back on. "Did you see what came from you computer?" You ask. You know you're asking a lot of questions, but you need to know what's happening. "Yeah, but I have no idea what it was." Sean answers.

Suddenly, you hear knocking on the door. Sean pulls you back a little, but when you hear a deep voice call, "Sean? You in there?" you relax a bit. Sean opens the door revealing the one and only Markiplier. "What are doing here? You weren't supposed to come until tomorrow!" Sean exclaims, giving his friend a hug. "I wanted to surprise you guys!" Mark says, hugging you now. "Well, it worked." Sean says. You nod in agreement. Mark looks around the trashed office. "What were you guys doing in here?" He asks. "Wh--you didn't feel that?" You exclaim. "Feel what?" Mark asks. "That big earthquake." Sean says slowly. "I don't think there was an earthquake. If there was, this was the only room to be affected." Mark says, a bit skeptically. "What?" Sean says in a high pitched voice. He races out of the room with Mark behind him.

You are about to follow when you hear the laughing again. You stop and look around you. You hear what sounds like whispering, but you can't make out the words. It sounds a little bit garbled, and almost backwards. A breeze rushes at your neck, but the window is not open. It kind of felt like someone was breathing on you. Suddenly feeling cold, you hurry out of the room in search of Sean and Mark.

Virus (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now