How Did You Know?

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Mark froze. Sean's hands loosened around Anti's neck. They both looked at each other in shock. "She's right," Sean says slowly. Anti took that as an opportunity to punch Sean, knocking him out. "(y/n), run!" Mark yells. Dark grabs him by the collar and throws him against the wall, forcing him into unconsciousness as well. You force the door open and run down the dim corridors once again. You don't get as far this time.

As you hurry, you hear footsteps close behind. You want to make a turn, but you know that might slow you down. You continue running in a straight line. Suddenly, you feel force on your back, and you hit the floor. "No!" You cry out, but it's too late. Dark grabs you by the throat and shoves you against the wall. You grab at his hand and struggle for air as Anti appeared.

"How did you know about that?!" Dark yells. "Wh--What?" You gasp. "Don't play dumb with us, ya little tramp!" Anti shouts. "How did you know that they could merge?!" You look at him weirdly. "M-Merge?" You ask. Your vision begins to go foggy. Dark releases your neck. Your body drops to the floor. You cough and inhale deeply. "How did you get that information?" Anti asks in a low voice. "If they told you, so help me..." Dark starts, but you cut him off, "No! They didn't tell me anything! I don't even know what you're talking about." Anti looks at Dark. The two of them chuckle slowly. "Come with us," Anti says. You don't have much of a choice. Dark picks you up and carries you down the hall.

A couple of minutes later, you find yourself tied to a table. Anti and Dark had disappeared. An unsettled feeling started up in your stomach. Your mouth is dry and your wrists hurt. All you can think is, I can't do this again. I can't...I just can't. "Alright, (y/n)." Anti enters the room and walks toward you. "We could do this the easy way..." "Or the hard way," Dark says, following his friend. Anti glitches, something you haven't seen in a while. "So, how did you know?" You just look at him. "I don't know what you're talking about," you say after a minute. Anti laughs again, but it's not the insane giggling that you're used to. It actually sounds--evil. "Look, (y/n), we've heard this all before," Dark says. "We ask the questions, you don't answer, we beat you up. Unless you actually want to cooperate." "Look, I'm serious," you protest. Anti brings the butt of a knife down across your bottom lip. You feel your teeth with your tongue. Thankfully, you didn't lose any. However, you could feel blood trickle out of your open lip.

"The only people I've heard about the 'merging' from, are you two." You admit. They watch you for a minute. "You know, we don't appreciate you lying to us," Dark says, walking behind you. "I'm not lying!" You yell. "We don't appreciate your yelling either," Anti says. He moves closer to you. "It seems you don't realize who's the boss here. You don't know your place." A sadistic grin crosses his face. "I guess we'll have to show you." Dark walks into your line of vision again, this time, holding a glowing metal rod. "Last chance to tell us how you knew," Anti says, crossing his arms. "I'm telling you. I didn't know before you told me!" You protest once more. "Fine. Dark?" Anti steps back, the smile fading from his face.

Dark comes closer."You should have told us the truth when you had the chance," he says. Then he places the burning rod on your leg. You cry out in pain as he sears your skin. Tears stream down your cheeks. You continue to scream and squirm as Dark moves the rod around your body. Your eyes move to Anti, who is watching. He's not smiling anymore. Instead, he watches with almost no expression on his face. You wonder how anyone can watch a person in this much pain, and not even flinch.

Dark finally stops with the rod and Anti walks to you, moving his head close to your tear-streaked face. "Are you going to tell us now, or continue protecting Sean and Mark?" He asks. "I can't explain something I don't know," You say. "Alright fine," Anti says. "Have it your way." Dark reappears once again, but he doesn't have any weapons. He and Anti exchange looks, then pick up a few small items. You aren't sure what they are, so you ask, "Wh--What are you d-doing?" The viruses clip metal things onto you. Suddenly, you realize what they are. "No. P-Please," you beg.

Dark and Anti walk over to the wall, where there is a switch. Anti smirks at you. "No!" You cry. Anti's smirk disappears, then he flips the switch. You scream again as electricity shoots through your veins. From head to toe, the electric volts shock you. As you writhe and cry in agony, Dark and Anti watch, focused and emotionless. Finally, Dark flips the switch again, and the pain stops. Your body is numb and you can hardly move. Anti wipes the tears from your cheek. You scowl at him. "You ready to talk now?" He asks. You glance at Dark, who is holding a baseball bat. "I can't....because I have no idea what you're talking about," you say weakly. Anti slaps your cheek, the one he had just wiped your tears from. You close your eyes and brace yourself for what's about to come--but it doesn't.

"You can rest, but we'll be back," Anti says. He leaves the room. Dark stares at you for a moment, then follows his friend out. As you try to relax on the slanted torture table, you can't help but wonder:

What did they mean? And why were they so upset about the fact that I supposedly knew?

Virus (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)Where stories live. Discover now