Another Interrogation

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Anti and Dark walk swiftly down the halls to the room where they had knocked out Sean and Mark. They're still there. Anti kicks Sean gently in the side, and Dark shakes Mark's shoulders. Both wake up. When Sean sees Anti, he jumps back and quickly moves into a standing position. Mark does the same. "What did you do with (y/n)?" He asks. "Relax. She's fine. For now," Dark replies. "What have you done?" Sean whispers. "Hey, it wasn't our fault. She wouldn't talk," Anti says, glitching.

Sean lunges at Anti, who catches him by the wrists. Mark jumps at him, to try and free his friend, but Dark grabs him and pins him up against the wall. "What did you do?!" Sean yells. "If you really want us to tell you--fine," Dark says. "We only hurt her because she wouldn't give us a straight answer," Anti says. He releases Sean's wrists, only to get a better grip on the left one and wrench his arm behind his back. Sean yells in pain. "Let go of him!" Mark calls. He wiggles against Dark, who says calmly, "If you don't want her getting hurt anymore than she already is, you'll stop fighting us now." Mark does stop, but if looks could kill, Dark would have died at least twice by now.

"Now, which of you two told (y/n) about the merge?" Dark asks. Mark looks a Sean, who stops struggling for a minute. "We didn't tell her anything," Sean says slowly. Anti pulls his arm harder. "Don't lie to us," he says sternly. "No, seriously," Mark protests. "I didn't tell her, and I'm pretty sure Sean wouldn't tell her." Dark stares at him. "You know, if you lie to us, she will get hurt," he says coldly. "I would be lying if I said I didn't," Mark admits. Dark glances at Anti who throws Sean to the ground. Dark releases Mark as well.

"Stay here," Anti mutters. The two of them leave. "Are you okay?" Mark asks. "Yeah, I'm fine--" Sean rubs his wrists and is cut off but the sound of the door locking. Mark rushes over to the door and tries to open it...needless to say, it does not work. "Great," Mark says. Then, a look of fear crosses both his and Sean's face. "If we don't get out of here soon--," Sean starts. "They're gonna hurt (y/n)!" Mark finishes. Suddenly, that information is way too much for either of them to handle. Mark nervously runs his hands through his hair. "We have to get out of here now!"

A few minutes later, Anti and Dark burst into the room where you are still lying, tied to the table. You tense up when they enter. "Alright, (y/n), we want the truth," Dark says with a frown etched on his face. "I've been telling you the truth!" You snap. Anti looks like he really wants to smack you, but speaks instead. "What were you talking about when you said that Mark and Sean were becoming like us?" You're a little caught off guard by this question, so you hesitate. "I was saying that they were acting like you two. Eventually, they'd end up acting exactly the same as you all the time, therefore, making them just like you," you answer slowly. Anti and Dark share the same look of shock. "You're telling me that you didn't know about the possibility of a merge, before we told you?" Anti asks. "No! That's what I've been trying to tell you!" You exclaim. You brace yourself. Dark and Anti exchange glances, then leave the room just as quickly as they had entered.

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