Rescued! Kind Of...

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For the next few hours, you drift in and out of conciousness (not sure about the spelling). You kind of just hang from the chains as you wonder where Mark and Sean are. As your (h/c) hair falls in your face, you wonder if they're receiving the same treatment as you, but you really hope not. Suddenly, you hear banging on the door. Fearing that it's the viruses again, you tuck your knees in against your chest.  The door cracks a bit, then you hear the sound of wood splitting. Your breath catches in your throat as you fear the worst. Finally, the door crashes down. You relax when you see two familiar faces--Sean and Mark.

"You guys!" You exclaim in relief. Your breathing relaxes. "(Y/n)!" Mark says. You see relief wash over his face as well, but it is soon replaced by horror. "Whoa." He evidently sees how beaten up you are. "Oh my gosh," Sean says, concerned. He squats and examines the marks that are all over your body while Mark finds the key to the cuffs. "What did they do to you?" Sean asks. You flich when he touches on of the marks. "I wasn't cooperating," you say weakly. Mark walks over to you and unlocks you.

You rub your injured wrists, when you suddenly realize that your midriff is stil exposed. You curl up a little, trying to hide it a bit. The guys see that you're uncomfortable. "Here," Mark says, as he removes his Markiplier hoodie, revealing another shirt underneath. He gives it to you. "Thanks." You put it on. "We should probably try to get out of here," Sean says, standing. Mark nods. They each grab one of your arms and help you up.

The corridors are dark, so you try to stay as close as you can to Sean and Mark. They whisper to each other. "Do you remember where it is?" Sean whispers. "I think so, but I'm not sure," Mark says, just as quietly. 'What are they talking about?' You wonder, but you say nothing. The dark hallway seems to echo, and you feel like you can hear strange noises. "Where exactly are we?" You ask. Mark looks at Sean, who says, "We're in the computer. They dragged us in through the screen." 'What?' You think. This is still all so strange.

"Here," Sean says. Mark opens a door to your right. There is a lone computer sitting on a desk. The image on the screen displays Sean's recording room. Mark turns and looks at you. "All we have to do is go through the screen." He says. "That's what you think," A deep voice growls. The three of you turn toward the voice. Dark stands behind the door and closes it. Your stomach drops. A telltale giggle is heard behind you. You turn your head and see Anti crawling through the monitor you were just about to go through. He plants his feet on the floor and smiles.

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