An Explanation

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Dark and Anti have just left, and you continue to lay in the room. You wonder where Sean and Mark are. Everything in you hoped that they weren't hurt, or worse, dead. Ever since you experienced Anti and Dark's version of 'shock therapy,' your body has been too limp to move. However, you jump when a piece of the vent drops from the ceiling to the floor in front of you, and makes a loud noise. You scream when a body drops in front of you. When another one drops, you become curious.

"I told you escaping through the vents was a bad idea," one of them says. The two stand in front of you, their faces shadowed. You sigh in relief as they remove their hoods. "Come on, we're getting you out of here," Mark tells you. He and Sean try to remove the chains around your wrists. Suddenly, everything comes flooding back. "No," you say quietly. Mark and Sean pause. "What's wrong?" Sean asks. "Last time we tried this, we got caught. I don't want to go through anymore," you end the last part in a whisper. Tears fall, and you make no effort to wipe them away, especially considering your arms are still bound. Sean looks at Mark; they each share the same expression of sympathy. "You won't," Sean says firmly.

They finally get your arms out of the cuffs. You try to stand, but fall into Sean, who helps you up. He takes one arm, and Mark holds the other, helping you regain your balance. When your legs stop shaking, Mark says, "We should probably get out of here before they come back." Sean nods and Mark walks over to the door. "Wait," you call. He stops and turns. You hesitate, then ask, "What's really going on here?" Neither answer. "What were they talking about when they said could...merge?" You inquire further. Mark looks at Sean again, then moves a chair in front of the door. "If they come, we can hold them off," he says. "Okay, you want to know what's going on?" Sean asks. You nod, but slowly.

"This isn't the first time this has happened," Mark begins. "A year or two ago, the fandoms came up with Darkiplier and Antisepticeye." "Of course, we can't blame them. We gave them their inspiration," Sean puts in. "Right. Anyway," Mark continues, "they actually became a part of the computer. We're not sure how, we only know that they can corrupt the our files and software, and bring us into their world. Which is the computer." "Hold on," you interrupt. "We're inside the computer?" "My computer, to be exact," Sean says. It takes you a second to take it all in, but when you do, you nod for them to continue. "When the viruses found out they could do that, they decided to try and takeover, as us. We just discovered recently that they can escape the computer, but only for limited amounts of time. Which is why you saw so much of Anti at Halloween," Sean explains. "After a while, they decided to trap us both in the computer at the same time," Mark says, "Eventually, Sean and I found out that if we got mad enough, we would start to merge with the viruses. We would actually become part of the computer." "So that's what they thought I was talking about," I say. "And if that happened, they could escape into our world. They would take over as us. Once we got out the first time, we never told anyone, and they left us alone for a while," Sean says, eyes downcast. "We were able to keep them under control for a while, but I guess we got too preoccupied with our Ireland trip. And they found a way out," Mark finishes.

The men remain silent as you take it all in. "So...if we don't get out, they could destroy you two?" You ask slowly. Sean and Mark exchange glances again. "We're not sure anymore. It may be a bit more complicated than that," Mark says. "We might have to--shut down the computer for good," Sean says. He winces a bit, and you hold back a small giggle. Getting rid of his computer evidently made him upset. "How are we going to get out without them catching us?" You ask. Mark's face twists into confusion, as if he hadn't really thought about that. Sean perks up and exclaims, "Wait a minute! I installed and anti-virus!" "That might help us escape!" Mark says excitedly.

Suddenly, you hear banging on the door. Mark and Sean stand next to you, ready to protect you if danger comes your way. The banging increases and gets louder. You hear the sickening sound of the door splitting. Finally, it crashes open, knocking the chair out of the way. Anti and Dark storm in, eyes angry and blazing. They lock their vision on you.

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