Not Just a Virus

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"That is so weird." You say. The earthquake did not affect any other part of the house...just the office. You, Mark, and Sean sit at the table eating and discussing what had just happened. "And you didn't feel anything?" You ask Mark. "Nothing." Mark answers. "That is weird." Sean says. "Why would it have just affected the office? Was the power out when you got here?" Mark thinks for a second, then says, "Yeah. Which was also weird, because it was the only house with no power. Mine had actually gone out a couple of minutes before I left." "What?" Sean and you say at the same time. "Yeah, and my computer's been having problems too." Mark continues. Sean looks at you with the same expression you knew you had on your face. "So has mine." Sean says slowly.

After explaining to Mark, you and Sean figured that it would be easier to show him. Sean pulled up the video that had been corrupted. But it was exactly the same as what you and Sean recorded. You watched the video of the two of you playing Super Mario Maker with no problems. "What?" You whisper. Sean looks just as confused. "Was there something in particular you wanted me to see?" Mark says after a couple of minutes. Sean pauses the video and stutters, "I-I don't understand. We tried watching this earlier, but it wouldn't play. The screen was black, and kinda...I don't know--green." "Maybe you have a computer virus." Mark suggests. "I just fixed mine."

"Well, your computer was making noises after the two of you left to look around." You say. "What do you mean?" Sean and Mark ask at the same time. "It almost sounded like laughing." You explain. Mark suddenly looks concerned and confused, all at once. "My computer did the same thing earlier." He says. "Maybe it has a virus too?" You wonder. Suddenly, you all hear the laughter again. The three of you share the same worried expression. "Did it sound like that?" Sean asks you. You nod. "That's not what it sounded like at my place." Mark says. "It was deeper." The whispering begins again as a wind, heavier than before rushes through the room. When the wind stops, you hear what sounds like, "(y/n)."

Out of nowhere, Sean's computer screen goes snowy again. But then, something else happens. As the three of you watch,  Sean's face appears on the screen, bloody. He smiles and says, "Guess who?" His voice is raspy and high pitched. He somehow grabs Mark by the arm and pulls him through the screen. "What the heck?!" Sean exclaims, pulling you back. Another pair of arms behind you, pushes Sean forward. Sean's computer clone pull him through as well. You turn to see who was behind you, but they're gone. You feel another arm yank you through the computer screen.

Virus (Antisepticeye and Darkiplier)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt