Calling Carter

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Deep in the NYPD department a phone buzzed on a desk. Carter looked over and sighed since she knew who it was. She answered it. "Carter." She didn't even bother saying hello.

Reese smiled as he heard Carter's voice. "Hello detective. Could you check a case for me," he asked hopefully.

Carter smiled, half to herself. "What can I do for you today?" She was used to helping John and Harold but she noticed that every case they asked her to investigate got harder and harder to solve.

"I need you to look up the case of Darcy Oak." Reese looked around the group of people before he veered toward the park.

Carter placed the phone against her shoulder as she turned to her computer. "That case was just on the news a few weeks ago. What do you need her case for?"

Reese sat down on a park bench and watched couples talking and walking with each other. He longed for that but he knew that he could never have that again. He lost his chance, his one and only chance.

Reese shook his head to clear it. "We are looking into Dr. Thaylus. I have witnessed him murdering a dog and now he was charged with stalking Darcy Oak before she died. I think that he might have killed her."

Carter nodded in understanding as she kept typing madly. She pulled up her case and stared into the girl's cold eyes. "It says that there weren't any suspects that they could identify. That's why they dropped her case."

"What was the murder weapon," wondered Reese. He knew that when someone killed someone they usually preferred a weapon.

Carter looked deeper into the file. "I don't know why it matters but she was killed by a toxin. A injection that shut down her vital organs, a rather large dose," she replied as she studied her file closely.

"Was it the same injection that a veterinarian would use to euthanize an animal," Reese wondered, knowing that Mark Thaylus was a vet and he knew that he used that injection a lot.

Carter drew back a bit from her desk. "Not quite but very close. It is certainly a tool that doctors and veterinarians have used before and have the means to get."

Reese nodded and rose up from the bench, becoming more and more anxious about Dr. Thaylus. He seemed to have a dark and corrupted mind.

"Well thank you Carter. I think we can take it from here," he assured his friend.

Carter nodded to Fusco as he strode toward her, giving him the secret signal that she was on the phone with either Finch or Reese. "Call me if you need anything, John."

"I will, Joss," Reese told her back, feeling a strange feeling. He couldn't explain it and he really didn't want to. He just knew that he was feeling something that he enjoyed but it also made his guard increase. The type of guard that wanted to protect her no matter what.

He suddenly realized he was day-dreaming. He shook his head to clear it before he walked forward, back toward the library.

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