Meeting Dr. Thaylus face to face

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Reese stalked forward with his eyes narrowed to slits. He was going as fast as he could but he just thought he wasn't fast enough. He knew that he needed to find Finch and Dr. Thaylus but he wasn't sure if it would be a trap. He was almost positive that he did.

He entered Dr. Thaylus office and he noticed that everything was shut off, even the medical equipment. However the door was unlocked. He didn't even have to use brute force, which he was more than prepared to do.

He held his gun against his chest as he peered around cautiously. "Finch," he called through the vacant animal hospital.

He heard shuffling of feet and he threw his head sideways. He tiptoed down another hallway and saw a shadowy movement in the corner.

He pushed forward and lifted his gun. "Stop!"

Dr. Thaylus halted as he wheeled Finch into view. His jaws were gaped open a bit and he was still held down with ropes around his hands and feet. His breath was ragged and force through his lungs. He tried to mouth to Reese but he couldn't. The medication was taking it's toll.

Reese turned to Finch. "Will he survive," he asked Dr. Thaylus in a tone that didn't offer any questioning.

Dr. Thaylus peered at Finch and nodded slowly. "I suppose but only if I don't give him this injection." He pulled out a needle and showed it to Reese. "Time is ticking."

Reese thrust his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small bag of highly illegal drugs. Dr. Thaylus caught it and peered at it in admiration. "Thank you," he breathed warmly. "Now I can carry out my plan and no one will stand in my way." He suddenly pulled out his own gun and shot Mr. Reese.

The bullet was aimed right at the side of his stomach. Reese fell to the ground hard, pain coursing through him.

Dr. Thaylus turned and bolted out of his animal hospital, ready to carry out his deadly plan.

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