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Bear's POV

Finch limped forward with me on my leash. I strode forward in please. I loved walks and it wasn't that often that we got out.

However this time I felt a bit defensive. I sniffed the air and I halted as I smelled something strange. It wasn't something that I usually smelled but it was very toxic. I recognized it since it was sometimes at a vet's office. When I was there I had smelled it at the back of the stores where vet's rarely used it.

"What's wrong Bear," asked Finch as he pulled on my lead a bit. I didn't move since fear was creeping through my body at an alarming rate that I couldn't control.

I suddenly tried to rush backwards. I pulled against the leash and I tried to have Finch follow me. "What is it Bear," asked Finch as he struggled to limp after me. I needed to get him out of here but I didn't know if there was enough time.

Suddenly a man jumped out with his white clothes swaying in the wind. He smelled of dogs and medication. It was Dr. Thaylus!

"What are you doing Dr," asked Finch as his eyes widened in shock. His body seized up and he couldn't move.

"I would ask you the same question," he growled as he took out a shot from his lab coat and he jabbed it into Finch's neck. Finch crumpled to the ground and I let out a cry.

I darted to his side and licked his face, trying to wake him up. He didn't stir. The Dr. suddenly surged forward and jabbed the other shot into my shoulder. I felt my body seize up and I fell to the ground. The world suddenly went black.

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