One Month In

205 34 17

Bellas P.O.V

"I got a good title, Six girls kidnapped by a dirty ass pedo at the age of 4 to be tested on, soon to be kicked out to starve and die alone. Not to mention the girls didn't have a good education, and no money."
Erika said telling our sob story. When we left Ashlee's we decided we'd make a book about this once we were safe. So to pass time we'd mess around and talk about our "life story book."
"Nope that's too long, maybe six girls were kidnapped by a psychotic pedophile and then kicked out?" I suggested as I kicked a rock out of my way while walking. We playfully argued about who's title for our story was better until Erika came to a sudden stop. She suddenly has a sly look on her face.
"You up to some trouble? We are running short on food," Erika said. She wasn't wrong, we have barely anything left. We are down to maybe a few cans of food and a box of protein bars. If we waited more than two days we'd be out. Not to mention we have 100 dollars left, which felt like a million dollars a day ago, but now we realized it's not enough. Thankfully we found a way to get money quickly. A few weeks ago we couldn't have gotten two dollars in a week.
Actually lot has happened since we separated. It's been over a month and me and Erika have a solid routine, just like it was with Ashlee. The small place we found, an abandoned shed has been the best thing to ever happen to us. At first we weren't sure if it was used but we soon figured out it was all ours. Like I mentioned before earning money was a lot easier than we thought. Every week we would go into town and use those spark of abilities we developed from being at the lab. We decided that the one we had was telepathy. It took us awhile to figure that out too, we just called it a special ability not realizing it had a name. We were paired together in the lab room so we had the same "power" if that's what you could call it. The cool thing is, if you talk to someone telepathically, they will think it's their conscience. We figured that out after experimenting with it a few times. Since we were asking for money we were worried we would be recognized and brought into foster care or something, so we say we are raising money for children in a hospital. Yes, it sounds absolutely wrong, but so is this whole situation. No one had recognized us so far, thankfully. We are worried that someone will come up to us and know who we are. If that happened it would screw everything up, putting us in danger, also the other four girls.
Once we got home we prepared to go out. We brought a small table and a box to hold any money we make. After that, Erika and I tried to look like we weren't kicked out of a basement. The routine was simple and it never changed, almost like it was back with Ashlee.
As usual we packed a bag with two water bottles, 20 dollars, and a pocket knife in case something went wrong.
"Ready?" Erika asked putting her bag on her shoulders.
"Yep." As I replied I also adjusted my bag over my shoulder.
We made our way through the small place and out the back. Actually We made a habit of going through the back door. Why? I have no idea, it made us feel badass maybe. But once we made it outside we'd walk into town, which was about two miles west. Then we'd set up outside of a store and advertise.
At first the store workers weren't happy with us setting outside their store. It took some convincing but now they don't care and let us set up whenever.
"You see that woman right there? She's not poor." Erika said tapping me on the shoulder, taking me out of my thoughts. "Go for it," I replied quickly.
"Stop what your doing, look here, look at those poor girls trying to help children in the hospital. Help them out." Erika transferred that into the woman's head. Sounds cheesy, but oddly enough it works. She stopped and looked at us sorrowfully. She turned around and walked up to us. Erika and I looked at eachother with a huge smile on our faces.
"Hey girls, what is this for?" The woman said cheerfully.
"We are raising money for sick children, every week we take what we have and bring it to the hospital."
The woman smiled softly and grabbed her purse. I looked at Erika holding back a smirk and waited for the woman to fish money out of it.
"What inspired you girls to do this?" She seemed nice but Jesus lady give us our money already.
"My cousin is 5 years old and in the hospital for lung cancer," I replied quickly making up the lie.
She handed us 100 dollars.... wait what?
"No this is too much," I said shocked.
"Bella.... shut up," Erika said telepathically.
The woman shook her head, mouthed god bless you and walked off.
"Oh my god.... well I hope your cousin feels better, this situation is awful," Erika mocked. I sighed and elbowed her in the side. After standing outside for a few more hours we counted our money and came to the total of 567 dollars. That's the most we've ever gotten and we were high grateful for it.
"This is awesome," Erika said separating the money and putting her half into her bag. Once we packed everything up we headed home feeling accomplished.
"We should go shopping tomorrow and gather supplies," I said breaking the silence. Erika nodded and went back into her own world. She's probably thinking about the girls, I know I am. I wonder if they are as fortunate as us. I just hope they weren't caught by Mr. Ashlee.

*Written by Bella*

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