"Homicide Squad"

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"Pull the dang car up we are waiting," Bella said impatiently. Erika and Bella were standing in an alley with bags of stolen money.
"Are they ever going to come? I'm about to stab them. We will get caught if they are any slower." Erika said angrily.
Natalie turned the car, driving like a maniac, quickly beckoning them to hurry up.
"Cops are around the corner get your asses inside," Ava yelled.
Both of the girls hopped inside the back of the car quickly, Bella kicking Natalie's seat urging her to drive.
"Natalie I swear to God, you drive like you are blind and in pain, also intoxicated," Bella yelled.
The car was pure chaos, the girls were screaming at each other while Natalie was trying to avoid getting hit.
While this was all happening, Ava turned up the car radio, trying to ignore all the girls.
"If anyone sees the four girls, please call as soon as you can," the radio sounded.
Everyone stopped and looked at each other, including Natalie who was at the wheel.
"Natalie keep your damn eyes on the road," Erika demanded. Natalie rolled her eyes and continued driving.
"Well girls, we seem to be famous now," Bella wiggled her eyebrows, smiling.
"Technically this is very bad, we pledged to stay hidden but hey, things change," Natalie added.
"Now that I think about it, Ashlee gave us shelter and he made us well known criminals, not to mention the super powers," Bella said thinking out loud.
Ava turned around from the front row,"You seriously concern me."
Everyone laughed and continued talking.
"We should get like matching tattoos, in case we ever get separated again," Natalie said randomly.
"I've wanted one, I don't think it's the smartest idea when people are searching for us," Ava added.
The rest of the girls shrugged and brought up a new topic. Once they knew they for sure they lost the cops, Natalie started to drive home.
"Sooo we need costumes, like everyone in movies has costumes, how cool would that be?" Bella brought up excitedly.
"We need like colors, so we match," Nat said.
"Purple and aqua, sexy with a touch of I don't know shark," Bella replied shrugging.
"Bella what the hell? Did you inhale something?" Erika lectured.
"I'm not wrong am I?" She quickly replied.
"Ok sexy with a touch of shark..... or we could just go all leather. We should steal a motorcycle," Erika commented.
"I like sexy with a touch of shark, but you know leather works too," Bella said quietly crossing her arms.
After fighting about the costumes, the girls decided on the colors. In their minds the purple stood for rebellion and blue stood for escaping.
"Maybe we can get a saying like don't touch me I have superpowers on the front of the shirt," Natalie suggested as she parked.
"As long as it's not that quote, it sounds like we are old and have a bunch of cats," Ava said getting out of the car and closing her door.
"True, talk about it later. We need to get this money sorted out," Erika replied grabbing the bags they filled.
The four girls walked inside and collapsed on the couch. Ever since they teamed up, they hired someone to build up and make their shed an actual house. They did that for the sake of not getting caught.  They got out the bags of money and started to sort it out.
"Maybe we should dye our hair and get colored contacts or something. So we don't get arrested," Ava suggested stacking the money in piles.
"Can I dye my hair blonde? Hot guys like blondes, I like hot guys. Put two and two together," Bella added.
"Way to stereotype, and instead of walking in a pack we should walk two and two," Natalie replied.
Everyone glared at her and shook their heads.
"That's how we got separated last time," Bella said sternly.
"It was a suggestion," Nat put her hands up in surrender.
"Besides, if we do get caught we got kickass super powers," Erika said breaking the tension.
"Hey for our costumes or whatever I think I have an idea for the saying. Remember what I called us before we all went our own ways?" Bella said.
Everyone nodded, "Well what if we call ourselves the Homicide Squad, get it on our shirts and everything. The name has meaning to it and it's better than 'stay away we have superpowers'."
"I like it."
"Yas!" Erika shouted as they all laughed.
"We should go to bed and tomorrow we can get clothes and other shit," Natalie suggested.
"Cya tomorrow Homicide Squad," Bella said as they all went to their bedrooms and fell asleep.

The next day they all hung out for a little and talked.
"Okay you guys ready to go?" Ava said grabbing the keys.
"I'm driving," they shouted in unison before Bella grabbed the keys.
"Let's go."
When they got to the store everyone jumped out and headed for the doors.
"Who wants to go for what?"
"Erika and I will find clothes and you guys find shoes."
As they walked in the store the pairs parted ways. Bella and Erika had found some leather jackets that would be perfect. Ava and Natalie ended up finding some knee high and ankle boots. As they walked toward Bella and Erika, they saw police coming from all sides. Bella used her power to tell them to run and that they would be okay. Their old freind Emily would've been good right about now to get them out of there quickly. They watched for a brief moment seeing their friends put in hand cuffs before they started running  away.
"We have to go back!"
"If we do we'll be put in jail with them. If we do that that leaves no one to help break them out."
"Okay fine but I'm driving," Ava said.
They both knew why they couldn't use their powers. None of them wanted to be put back in rooms being forced to listen to videos or music all day, or be tested on.

*Written by Bella, Co-Written by Natalie*

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