The number

214 9 9

 "Mom i'm leaving" I say grabbing my keys and running out the door. I rush to the mall. He is gonna be there. The one, the only, Crankgameplays aka Ethan. Im screaming the entire way there. I park and walk into the mall. "Holy shit" i mutter. There we about 200 people there i hurry and find my friend Glenn. I see a top hat and make my way over. " GLENN" I yell he turns he's wearing his top hat that he wore every now and then.
"(Y/n) you made it!" He said hugging me.
"Of course" i said "I sure as hell wouldn't miss this!"
All of a sudden two officers came over and told Glenn that he had to get everyone to leave. So Glenn shouts to everyone and they walk out the building.
"What the hell's happening?!" I ask.
"They think I'm the leader of this." Glenn says "they told us we can't have this group on the property we have to disperse."
I get on Twitter and tweet at Ethan that everyone was kicked out and had to be off the property. Ethan makes a new meet up area and as i got to my car  i get a text from my mom.(m:mom y:you)
M: I need you to come home
Y: why is everything ok
M: no Sadie was at practice and her coach thinks she broke her leg I need to get her to the hospital I need you to look after Charlie your dad is working late tonight
Y:ok I'll be there soon
I turn off my phone,I'm  disappointed that I can't meet Ethan but family always comes first so I put my phone away and drive home.

-time skip to when you get home-

"Hey I'm home" i yell as my mom walks out.
"Thanks so much Charlie is in the living room being a monster as always" my mom says.
I laugh "Of course he is" all of a sudden I here running.
"(Y/N)!!!!!!!! I missed you!!!" Charlie says crashing into your arms. He's  five im nineteen but we are best friends I loved him more than anything.
"I missed you too!" I said embracing him " so what do you want to do?" I said trying to show a ton of enthusiasm and energy.
" Lets play bideo games (video games)!" He says getting excited.
"Ok" I say walking towards the basement.

-time skip-

I had finally gotten Charlie to go to bed when I hear the door unlock. "Hey dad how was work?"
"It was alright" he said. "I'm gonna go to bed I'm not feeling well, goodnight"
"Ok" I say and I pull out my phone. Anna my best friend since high school texts me. (A:Anna y:you)
A: hey let's go to a club
Y:sure what time what place
A: (random address) in 2 hours
Y:meet you there
I go and quickly run upstairs and go to my closet and start looking through my dresses. I find a silver dress.

I quickly do something with my (h/c) hair and put on makeup that brings out my (e/c) eyes and throw on a pair of silver heels

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I quickly do something with my (h/c) hair and put on makeup that brings out my (e/c) eyes and throw on a pair of silver heels.

And a blue necklace, bracelet, and earnings

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And a blue necklace, bracelet, and earnings. I grab a cute hand bad and throw my wallet and phone in after txting my mom where you would be.

-time skip cuz I'm lazy-

"Hey gurl" Anna yelled I quickly turn.
"Hey oh my god u look gorgeous!" I say as you run over and hug her.
"You do too" she replies
" Ok let's go in its freezing out here" you say starting to shiver.
"Yeah let's" she says and drags you inside. Music is blasting there are so many people around me. Anna drags me further into the crowd.
"Come on (y/n)!!" Anna whines.
I finally feel her stop pulling on my arm and i stop. Anna is dancing and she is good after all she is a dancer. I join but I'm doing my own thing. After three songs Anna goes and gets us drinks. All of a sudden someone taps my sholder. I quickly turn around.
"JOEY!?" I yell Joey was my best friend in middle school they were trigender so they went by they/them.
"Hey (y/n)" they say hugging you.
" WHEN DID YOU GET BACK FROM COLLEGE!!??" I yelled still hugging Joey.
"Yesterday, I wanted to surprise you your mom told me where you were."
" oh my god I'm so happy to see you" i say hugging them once more. Anna comes back with the drinks a few minutes after Joey and I catch up.
"Anna this is Joey" I say.
"Hey it's nice to meet you " Anna says smiling.
"Same to you" Joey says back then turns to me and says "wanna dance?"
"Hell yeah" I say grabbing both there wrists and drag the into the crowd. I'm screaming lyric and jumping up and down Joey and Anna are doing the same. You guys go to get more drinks and you sit there talking and laughing. I start to zone out and when I finally snap out of it  Joey and Anna are no where to be seen. I get up and try to find them and as I make my way through the crowd I freeze.  Ten feet away my ex boyfriend Sam was making out with another girl. Now if it were just a break up it would have been fine but we broke up two days ago and it's because he didn't feel like he could be in a relationship. You feel tears roll down your face your pushing your way through the crowd trying not to cry. It all comes out as you open the door. Then you hear someone.
"Oooowwww" the person says.
" I- I'm so sorry" you say through tears.
"No it's fine are you ok?" The person said.
"Yeah I just say my ex with another girl it kinda hurt." You say looking at the ground.
"Well if you wanna talk here's my number." He says and writes it on your hand.
"Thanks" you say looking up you freeze looking up.
"I'm Ethan by the way"and he walks off.
Crankgameplays had just given you his phone number.

****hey this is my first fan fiction and this chapter was kinda boring but it will get better I promise thank you so much for reading and if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know thanks****

The Loud Blue Boy *discontinued For Now *(Crankgameplays X reader)Where stories live. Discover now