The Misunderstanding

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(Your POV)

Its been a week since Ethan stood me up. Part of me wanted to let him explain but he didnt text me till 2 days later. I was angry and upset that he would do this to me, but I decided to give in and call him.
"(Y/n) I'm so glad you called I'm really sorry about what happened I ate something that I was deathly allergic too used had to go to the hospital and I fell really bad about...." Ethan rambles. I cut him off.
" Oh my god are you ok now oh I feel bad now for no texting sooner I knew you wouldn't do that on purpose" I say
" I'm fine don't worry about it any way I wanna make it up too you and I'm actually on my way to take you to go see that movie tonight it was gonna be a surprise I talked to your mom about it but ill be there in an hour." Ethan says. I blush he really cares.
" Awww Ethan that's really sweet of you ill see you in an hour then. Bye"
"Bye" Ethan said and then hung up.
I quickly race to m closet and start  going through it  until i decide to have a batman theme for the day.

I quickly race to m closet and start  going through it  until i decide to have a batman theme for the day

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I take a quick look in the mirror before running downstairs to see I sister Sadie. 

" Hey Sadie you still up for our camp out in the living room tonight? you wont bail will you?" I say plopping down next to her on the couch.

"Of course but i get the couch" Sadie says sticking out her tongue.

"Fine but i pick the movie" i say with a smug grin. Sadie and i have very different movie interests she likes romance and i am a horror fanatic as well as a nerd.

"No horror " she says   quickly looking at you.

"Ok I guess we will watch......(favorite movie)!" i say before hearing the doorbell. "I gotta go keep your foot up" I remind her. i hear a groan as i walk to the door. "you will thank me later!!" i yell opening the door.  Once the door opens i feel arms wrap around you.

"I am so so so so so sorry!!" Ethan says releasing  me from the hug.

"You have nothing to apologize for you could have died its ok" i say .

 "Ok, are you ready to go?" he says 

"Yep, lets go." I say walking to his car and getting in. We talked the entire way there. we talked about when he was leaving which was in two days. He asked if i ever thought about starting a YouTube channel and what it would be called. i had been thinking about it and he offered to let me use his equipment. Once we got there we went in and bought tickets i tried to pay for mine but Ethan would not allow it. we find our seats and watch the movie which was pretty good.After the movie Ethan takes me home.

****Time skip****

It was 3:52 and i were still texting Ethan. I had been texting him since midnight. He was so adorable but all good things must come to an end. He decided he was to tired to talk anymore and i felt a small wave of sadness that he had to go. we said good night or more accurately good morning. 

"Finally i get my sister back" Sadie said i had been ignoring her for the majority of our camp out in the living room. 

" ha ha" i say mockingly. She rolled her eyes.

"God now im too tired to do anything" she says lying down.

"awww thats too bad good night i guess" i say.

"well if u weren't texting the entire time maybe we could have done something" she says with annoyance in her tone. "good night though" 

***time skip to the day Ethan leaves***

He embraces me and i do the same. " See you in a week" he says getting into his car.I watch the car leave. I could not wait to see what would happen next. A quick thought crossed my head but i tried to push it back. i kept thinking of him.  i thought of everything we had done together and after that one more thing popped into my head. I totally have a crush on Ethan.

**** So sorry for how late this is i will try to get better at it any way hope you like this chapter i had troble thinking about what to write but the next chapter will take place the day you go to LA with Joey so that should be fun to write. thanks for reading!!!!****

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