His side of the story

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(Ethans POV)

I had just finished the meet up and decided to meet my friends at (restaurant). I was walking to the building when all of a sudden something come flying at me. "Ow" I say rubbing my face.

"O-oh I-I"m so sorry" the girl says. She was cute but she was crying and I hated when people were sad.

"It's fine, are you okay?" I asked.

" I just saw my ex it kinda hurt." She said trying to calm down. I quickly grab a marker.

"Well if u wanna talk about it hers my number" I say grabbing her wrist and writing it on her hand. She stays silent. "oh and I"m Ethan by the way" i say and walk off. i could"nt wait to get to know this girl

-time skip-

I've been waiting for a week for the girl to text me. I wanted to talk to her, I started to get worried that she wouldn't text me at all.  All of a sudden my phone goes off. i jump up immediately run to get my phone. Finally she texted me. we talk for a few minuets and we decide to get coffee. Im so exited that i ask to meet up in an hour and luckily for me she agrees. I race to get ready about half way through i realize my car is in the shop and i need a way to get there. i quickly ask my dad if i can use his car. We end up agreeing that he would drive me there and back since he had to go out anyway and i quickly finish getting ready. When i get there i walk in and sit by the window.  10 minuets later a car pulls up and the girl gets out. She waves and i wave back am i realize im grinning like an idiot. She walks in and we start to talk, she tells me her name which was so cute sounding. she was a very interesting person.  We talked for a while and when she said she had to leave i was disappointed but we say good bye and i walk out. Im now waiting for my dad to pick me up when out walks (y/n) she looked so cute in her work clothes. i realized i was staring at her and i quickly look away.

"what are you doing here still?" she asks.

"my car is broken so im waiting for my dad." i say.

"oh well i will text you after work bye" she says getting in her car and drove away. finally my dad gets here and we go home. i decide to record a video so i make a vlog. i talk about the meet up and just about the year and how the channel has grown. that would be a good new years video. when im done i start to edit when my phone goes off. Its (y/n) i smile and grab my phone and we start to talk we talk for a few and we decide to go see a movie and then i go back to editing.

-Time skip cuz i can-

i had been waiting for this movie to come out but my friend wanted to get food so we did. we decided to go to a random place downtown. There's an hour before I'm supposed to meet (y/n) and we had just gotten our food. We started to eat and I started to feel weird. My vision started to get blurry. I fall I hear something about peanuts. I completely forgot to ask about that. I have a severe peanut allergy. Then everything goes black.......

****sorry for this being short and late but that's y Ethan didn't show up I will try to have an update tomorrow no promises but hope you like it byeeee****

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