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Song of the chapter:
You by the 1975

"Why did the mom withhold all of Noah's letters?" I asked as the credits rolled across the television on the wall. "That literally makes no sense! Isn't that illegal or something?"

Justin shrugged from beside me. We both lay flat on our stomachs with our heads towards the foot of the bed. "She's a real bitch."

I scoffed. "Tell me about it. They shouldn't have even broken up the first time! And why did that guy tell her to move on and forget about it? Jesus, I'm mad."

"So," Justin turned on his side and rested his head in his hand to look at me knowingly. "I take it you like it?"

I looked up at the ceiling. "It was okay. I mean, it held my interest for a few hours so I guess it wasn't that bad. It pissed me off."

"I've held your interest for more than twelve hours now," he grinned. "So what does that say about me?"

I pondered for a moment. "Well, you also piss me off."

"Again, for the second time this morning, fuck you," he laughed, knowing that I was simply joking around.

Though the thought had crossed my mind at least fifteen times over the time we had spent together, I still couldn't believe I was seeing the side of Justin that I was.

In all my life, through all of the cafeteria outbursts and mutual classes, I had never seen him smile. And since it was becoming a routine over the last couple of hours, I never wanted to miss out on it again. His face truly lit up with every single one. It was incredible.

My phone buzzed from beside me. It was Anna.

Anna: How was it?! Or, how is it?!

"Your parents?" Justin asked from beside me.

I shook my head. "No. Anna. Besides, my parents think I'm with her anyways."

He nodded. "Would they be mad if they knew you were here?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he nodded again. "Stupid question."

"It's not even just that it's you," the words fell from my lips, and I suddenly felt guilty when I said them. I didn't want him to take it the wrong way. "They're just like that."

"I understand. I wouldn't want my daughter doing any of the things that we did."

Thank god, he's not upset.

I nervously laughed. "Yeah, I don't think my parents would be pleased to know that I smoked pot and stayed over at your house."

"Probably not."

I exhaled, exhaustion crashing over me. It had been a really long time since I had a good night sleep, which was very unlike me.

"Tired?" Justin groggily asked.

I turned my head to face him again and nodded.

"Me too."

It was silent for a moment, and I considered closing my eyes for just a second to let them rest. But Justin began speaking again, refraining me from doing so.

"We should probably go soon," he said quietly. "I don't want to keep you from your parents."

I shook my head, my eyes suddenly feeling awake. I felt myself getting frustrated. "I mean, they don't care. They think I'm with Anna. But yeah, if you want me to, I'll go."

"I didn't say I want you to go, Kennedy," he said. "I'm just saying that we should. I don't want them to worry."

"Okay," I shrugged, getting up off the bed. I wasn't angry or upset, I didn't actually know why I was getting so defensive. Maybe because I really didn't want to go and I didn't want the day to end.

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