Part 4

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it was study hall time and Viktor wanted, no, needed, to talk to Yuuri. ( i found out he's the one named yuuri but this is an AU so hes gonna be called Yuri still so you'll see what happens in the future ;) )
Viktor knew Yuri was always in study hall, and luckily there was a substitute today so they could do whatever. Viktor quickly grabbed his stuff then ran to the study hall room.
Once he got there, he walked in normally and smiled around the room but then he saw Yuri and he stood there for a minute just admiring him, he saw his entire future in this boy and with this boy.

He smirked and sat down next to Yuri. Yuri noticed him then looked at him and smiled.
"Viktor? I hope you know this is study hall-"
"Oh, I know. I came here to talk to you.", Viktor smirked and smiled.
"Wh- Why would--", Yuri was cut off as Viktor grabbed his shirt and leaned in to kiss him.
Yuri blushed red as a fire truck, maybe even more red.
Viktor pulled back with a smile and a smirk on his face, "Yuri, ever since we met eyes when you dropped your books in the hallway i saw something in you I've never seen in anyone before. It was like i was in love for the first time and i want everyone to know how i feel.", Just then Viktor got on top of the desk and shouted loudly.
"i want everyone to know i am in love with Yuri katsuki!", Viktor shouted as everyone turned around and stared at him and Yuri.
Yuri gulped but blushed at the same time, "So, Yuri? Would you like to to on a date with me?", Viktor had a sparkle in his eyes and looked at Yuri.
"Yes. Absolutely Yes! I'd love to!", Yuri shouted then got on the desk and kissed Viktor.

One chance - victuuri/viktuuri ( AU )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora