Chapter 11

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Yuri and Viktor were officialy engaged. This was a dream come true. Ever since Yuri met Viktor and they started to become friends, he's always wanted to marry Viktor with all his heart. Not to mention now they have a beautiful home, a beautiful child, and an adorable dog. They had everything they could ever ask for. Everything was perfect. Until. One faitful day.
Yuri was in a rush to get to his new job, he waved to his new kid, Yurio plisetsky Nikiforov. and their dog, mits. Viktor had a bad feeling about today but he sort of shrugged it off. Yuri was just about to go but he got on the road and some maniac crashed into him at 100 miles per hour. Viktor gasped then ran to Yuri. "YURI!! YURI!!", Viktor called out but when he got to the car he saw his fiancé was a mess and it shattered his heart. There was glass in his legs and arms and his glasses were broken in half and his face was bleeding and bruised and there was a gash in his head. It was super serious and Viktor didn't know what to do but drop to his knee's and start sobbing.

- - - - - - - - - time skip - - - - - - - - - - -

Yurio had already called the police and he had fallen asleep in Viktors lap in the hospital waiting room because Viktor didnt want Yurio to see his dads as a wreck. Viktor was talking to the doctor, as well.
"You see, Mrs.Nikiforov, your husband is in a como because the hospital was a big deal and it took a few minutes to get his heart beating again and he had five surgerys, even if he did wake up he wouldn't be the same ever again. he would have ither lost his memory or he would be paralysed for the rest of his life. ", The doctor explained but he just then left to work on another patient.
Viktor got so angry he kicked a wall then hurt his foot, "Ow! ow! ow!", He said wheezing through the pain. He noticed the sleepy Yuri so he sat at the chair next to Yuris bed, He put his hand on Yuris cheek then started to cry. "Oh Yuri, if only you were still here to see what a wonderful life we would have together. I know you can make it, you just have to pull through. Our son saw the crash so I'm sending him to therapy but its actually for both of us,", He chuckled a bit. "We're gonna need it after all this.", he said as he sighed then kissed Yuris forehead. "Our son starts school tomorrow. I must go because he needs to go home and rest. I'll see you tomorrow, love.", Viktor said as he got up and kissed Yuris hand then left.

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