Part 9

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Viktor came up behind Yuri and wrapped his arms around Yuri's waist. They both smiled at the view, realizing they both were happy with their lives. Viktor did feel a bit empty still and he didn't know why so he mostly just shook it off or ignored it as nothing.

Yuri wanted to go to the park on this beautiful bright day and Viktor decided to join him. so, with that they held hands and walked to the park. The park and the area they lived in was a perfect area, it had very friendly neighbor's and a school and children and supportive people and amazing parents and places to shop for food and drinks, of course! but, the best of it was that there was a skating rink nearby. Viktor and Yuri got to the park and they watched all the parents and children play with each other, well, Viktor was. Yuri was mostly admiring the scenery and admiring how amazing Viktor looked. Yuri realised what Viktor was noticing and it made him smile and give him an idea. "Viktor, we should be heading back now. It's getting late. ", Yuri said trying to hide the mischief in his voice and the mischief idea he had. Viktor agreed to go home, he was really tired.

- - - - - -- - - - time skip - - - --  - - - - -

It was morning when Viktor realized Yuri wasnt in bed anymore. They fell asleep having a rough night (( (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if u know what i mean ))
Viktor decided to just lay there, he looked at his lock screen which was his dog from home who had passed away a year ago. He opened up his phone and looked through instagram, he saw a bunch of his and Yuri's skater friends photos and how they were all doing.

(( skip over to what Yuri is doin ))

Yuri was at a pet store and lucky for him, his sister worked there ( and the skating rink ) so it was easier for him to do what he's doing. He had a plan and it was all set up perfectly. He then waked bye to his sister as he drove back home.

Once Yuri was home, he told Viktor he just went for a quick jog. He then told Viktor he had some surprises for him so Viktor had to get dressed first. Viktor was quite interested in these surprises so he got dressed very quickly, then once he was done he went over to Yuri and Yuri blind folded him with a smirk. "Yuri? What's going on?", Viktor said questioning Yuri. "You'll see when we get there.", Yuri had some surprises but little did Yuri know is Viktor had one huge surprise for him as well.

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