Chapter 20

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Today was the day. Viktor and Yuuri are getting married. They hadn't seen each other all day because Viktor has been out shopping with Yurio all day and they were supposed to meet each other at the beach, yes they were getting married at the beach, it was the same beach they had once sat at when Viktor asked Yuuri what Yuuri wanted him to be to Yuuri. Otabek was left behind to help Yuuri with some stuff seeming as he's in a wheelchair, but little did Viktor and Yurio know is that he can actually walk and has been able to walk for a few months now but he wanted it to be a surprise for the wedding. Otabek came in to see Yuuri standing, on his feet, doing just fine. Otabek was surprised by this, "Yuuri?!", he said with a confused look on his face as Yuuri just turned around and smiled brightly, "Its a long story. But don't tell Yurio and Viktor, it's a surprise!", he said gleefully which Otabek just nodded to.


Viktor was out shopping with Yurio and they were looking at suits and Viktor found the perfect one for himself, it was sparkly and it looked just like one of his old skating uniforms which he then spotted one with tiger prints on it and it reminded him of Yurio so he bought it for him. Then once they were paid for, him and Yurio went to get their hair done at some salon and Yurio could notice the worry in Viktors mind, "Dad?", Yurio looked at him. Viktor looked down at his son as Yurio continued to talk, "Its gonna be fine, ok? Don't worry.", Yurio said as he knew that Viktor was worried about the wedding and about Yuuri, "But- What if he doesn't like the wedding? What if it isn't good? What if he leaves me? What if he can never skate again? What if--", Yurio gave him a worried look which made Viktor stop talking then sigh, "Dad. Papa loves you more than anything and I can see it in his eyes. I can tell that the way he loves you is definitely a way he has never loved anyone else. He looks at you and see's his future with me, you, and him. I can see it, I promise you that everything will be fine.", Yurio says as he starts to wonder about his and Otabeks future, which makes him start to worry now. "Yurio, I can tell you that you and Otabek are made for each other, don't you start worrying now!", Viktor chuckled a bit as Yurio had doubt, "What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? I mean it's been six years and I can tell he's getting tired of me.", Yurio frowned. The stylists were done with his and Viktors hair as Viktor smiled at Yurio, "You look amazing, my son.", Viktor smiled which made Yurio smile too.
"Shit I just realised the beach has too much sand so Yuuri can't go on It because his wheelchair!, we'll have to do it in the parking lot then.", Viktor said as he texted the priest and everyone else including Otabek and Yuuri to tell them the new plan.

- - - - - - - - time skip - - - - - - - - 

Viktor was standing next to the priest as Yurio and the rest of the guests were standing and waiting for Yuuri and Otabek when suddenly, they saw Otabek bringing Yuuri over while Yuuri was in his wheelchair but when they were at the end of the isle, Yuuri suddenly stood up and walked the rest of the way which had everyone in awe, mostly Viktor as Yuuri stood in front of Viktor as Viktor cried happy tears then kissed Yuuri quickly before the priest started talking. "Yuuri katsuki, do you take, Viktor Nikiforov, to be your lawfully wedded husband?", The priest begun. "I do. A million times, I do.", Yuuri said looking Viktor in the eyes as they were both crying happy tears. "Do you, Viktor nikiforov, take Yuuri Katsuki to be your lawfully wedded husband?", He said again. "I do a thousand times!", Viktor said eagerly. "In sickness, In health, for worse or for better, for poorer or for richer, do you both promise to take care of each other forever no matter what til the day you both die?", the priest said and of course only Viktor knew who the priest was since he was in a disguise, he knew Yuuri would love who the priest is once he reveals his identity. "We do.", Viktor said with his eyes still on Yuuri. The priest took off the disguise and it was none other than, Yuuri turned his head around and smiled, "Pitchit?!", he said happily. "I now pronounce Viktuuri canon and the ship has sailed forever!", he said as he took a picture of the happy married couple then posted it on instagram.Viktor kissed Yuuri passionately as the crowd cheered.

- - - - - - - - time skip --- - - - - -  - -

Viktor was cutting a piece of cake while Yurio was sitting on a parking spot, staring off as he looked at the beach and sighed. Otabek sat down next to Yurio and looked at him as Yurio didn't look back. "Yurio..", Otabek said with a frown as Yurio still didn't look at him. "You look amazing today..", Otabek tried getting Yurio to talk to him but he wouldn't budge. "I know I've been distant lately. I'm sorry.. just.. I have a good reason I promise, just follow me..", Otabek said holding his hand out for Yurio which Yurio took and finally looked at Otabek as Otabek went to where Viktor and Yuuri were standing when they got married just earlier. "attention everyone! I have an announcement. ", Otabek said because he wanted everyone to see his love for Yurio. Everyone turned around including Viktor and Yuuri as Pitchit started recording this for instagram. "Yurio plisetsky nikiforov. You've already made me the happiest man alive, I could never ask for anyone better than you. which is why, I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore. ", he said as a cliffhanger but Yuuri and Viktor knew what was going on when Yurio started crying and let go of Otabeks hands, "W-what?!", he said sobbing even more. Otabek got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, "I want to marry you and be your husband. I want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. You are my soulmate and the only one for me.", He said as he wiped Yurio's tears and saw them them turn into a smile, "Yuri, will you marry me?", Otabek said with the biggest smile on his face as Yurio nodded super fast then screamed, "Yes! Of course!", he cried happy tears as Otabek put the ring on his finger and everyone cheered and clapped.

(( Sorry for the long chapter, I just had a lot to write! ))

One chance - victuuri/viktuuri ( AU )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat