Chapter 24- Just a few more days!

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March 5, 2012

Emma's POV 

I woke up and got dressed. I went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. I brushed my teeth and did my hair. I can't believe we get out for Spring Break on Friday and we are leaving for the Bahamas Saturday. This is gonna be the best week ever. I wonder if it's gonna be funnier than New York because New York was fun. I was ready to go. I got in the car. We picked up  Elaine and Molly. We were tired because it was a Monday so we turned up the radio loud. It was just us in the car with my mom and Lucy. Molly's dad took the other ones because we wouldn't have enough room. 

"Oh! I love this song." I turned it up. It was What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I love One Direction. I liked Niall Horan. He's so cute! We got out of the car.

"Bye Mom! I love you!" 

"Love you too sweetie. Have a great day." 

"You too."

We walked in. There were signs around the hallway.

"Who did this?" 

"Bella did." Davis said.

"Oh wow! She did a fabulous job." 

"I know right." 

We walked in to homeroom. Everyone was clapping. Awkward..

We got to work. Before I knew it, it was lunch time. Yummy! I am starving. 

Elaine, Molly, and I sat at one table. I took out my peanut butter sandwhich, chips, and a breakfast bar. 

Ryan came up to us and sat next to Elaine, then my boyfriend Trevor came and sat next to me. 

"Hey Emma." 


"Bahamas Saturday! I can't wait to watch y'all." 

"I know! I can't wait to perform. We only have practice tonight!" 

I ate my lunch. I said goodbye to Trevor and walked back to homeroom. I got my books for what I needed for the next classes. Yay! I have acting today. I love acting. Trevor does acting with me. Elaine, Molly, and I have all the classes together. 


Acting Time! 

Molly's POV

I walked out of Math class and went to acting. Math is ok but I rather be in acting.

Emma said "I can't believe we have a math test Wednesday." 

"Relax! You'll do fine." 

"How can I relax? I'm not smart. I'm dumb! I'm bad at math but good at everything else. I have to make at least a B on it to go to the Bahamas or I can't go." 

Elaine said "That's crazy!" 

"You're not dumb."  

"Thanks. Let's just go to acting class."


"Ok Class.. Let's work on Wizards Of Waverly Place Who will be the family wizard. Today is the last day to practice, we perform tomorrow." 


We walked out of acting and back to homeroom to pack up. 

"This day went by fast." Elaine said.

"I know!" 


  Elaine's POV 

My mom picked us up. We got in the car and listened to music. Somebody to love was playing. I can't wait to see Justin this weekend. I went on twitter.

PeaceLoveDance- I can't wait to see @justinbieber @selenagomez @arianagrande @victoriajustice @taylorswift and many more on Saturday. We perform Sunday! I can't wait. I hope to see some of y'all there. It's gonna be a blast

Emma and Molly retweeted my tweet. 

justinbieber- @PeaceLoveDance @IamEmma @MollyJustice y'all better kick some booty! Y'all are gonna rock. I'll see you at the airport Saturday! 

IamEmma- You coming with us on our plane? @justinbieber

justinbieber- @IamEmma no but I will see y'all on Saturday when y'all land!

IamEmma- @justinbieber kk. Can't wait to see you. I'm gonna hug you! 

justinbieber- @IamEmma same! <3

Justin is the sweetest person in the whole entire world.. No joke!

We got to my house and we did our homework. We went to dance.  It was the only practice we will have this week. We practiced all of the routines.

"Great job guys! Y'all are ready." Bella said.


March 6, 2012

The day went by fast. They stayed after school to get ready. 

"What are you doing Emma?" Molly asked.

"What does it look like i'm doing? I'm studying!" Emma answered.

"Why in the bathroom?" 

"There is no place else to study." 


They got ready. This was going to be interesting. Selena Gomez told them that she had a blast while doing the last episode. 

The play started.  When it was over they went home. They had a great time. 


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