Chapter 29- Vacation Time!

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  • Dedicated to Everybody!

The girls were tired. They went and ate dinner. After dinner they went to there rooms. They were playing on there computer, phone, and watching tv.

"Emma, what are you doing?" Molly asked her.

"I'm writing my story. About my life." 

"That's awesome." 

"Thank you."  

Elaine said "This is awful." 

"What?" Molly asked.

"I'm trying to practice my break-up with Ryan." 

"What? Why?" 

"First of all we are moving and second of all he lied to me. He did cheat on me. He did and I know it." 

"I'm sorry baby girl."

"I'm fine. Who needs boys when you have dance?" 

"And Nutella!" Emma added.

"Exactly." Molly said. 

Elaine's POV

"I'm gonna call him." I said.


"Hey Ryan. This is Emma." 

"Hey girly." 

"What are you doing?" 

"Just hanging out. Congrats." 

"Thanks. I know you cheated on me." 

"What? No I didn't." He said in his lying voice.

"You know that saying if you loved someone set them free and if they really loved you they would come back. Well I'm moving in the summer and you are cheating on me so I'm setting you free." 

"Ok fine by me. The girl I'm dating is way cuter." 

"Whatever Jerk. I wasted the last year and something months with you and it was horrible." 

"I know it was worse for me." 

I hung up. The girls were staring at me. I was smiling and laughing. "I'm now single. I've never felt more happier." 

I went on twitter.

PeaceLoveDance- I'm now single and I've never felt more happier. He cheated on me for more than a year. What a jerk. #singleandlovingit

taylorswift- @PeaceLoveDance I'm sorry sweetie. It's happened to me a couple of times. Listen to my song white horse. That will make you feel happy.

PeaceLoveDance- @taylorswift I'm fine. And I'm happy!

taylorswift- @PeaceLoveDance that's good. I love you


It was 10. The girls were so tired from dancing so they went to bed.


When they woke up they ate breakfast. Bella took them to the beach. It was amazing. Emma said "Now you can be in love with the Bahamas." 

"Heck yeah." Elaine replied. 

"Let's go surfing." Bella told them. 

They went surfing and had a blast. 

"Davis? What's wrong?" Bella asked.

"I don't know how to surf."

"It's easy. I'll teach you." 

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