Chapter 9.

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I woke up , had my bath and went downstairs. The first thing I was told was that Daniel and Josh weren't coming back today. After a while of been bored to death I didn't to look for shed.

     I walk up to his room, but before I could open the door I heard talking to someone. I guess he was on the phone because he kept on responding without anyone asking question.

     I wanted to go outside but Daniel made me promise never to out without him. Then a thought came to my head, I went  back of the house which lead to a forest with a bow and arrow and a sword. I didn't to train a little.

        Few minutes after training I had a feeling someone was watching me but I chose to ignore it. Then I heard someone screaming from inside the forest, I ran in the direction where the sound came from.

     Getting their I saw a man trying to rape a young girl because her clothes were tore and he laid on top of her. 

           I picked up an arrow and target his leg as soon as I was sure it will it I fired. The guy shouted in pain that's when I notice his fangs. He moved away from the girl and looked in the direction the arrow came from..
        I came out holding and arrow to be fired "Hey, kid get out of here"....
" She is not going anywhere and I am afraid neither".

   He came closer to me and I used my eyes to tell the girl to go...She stood up, turned into a wolf ran away, before he could go after her I shoot his right hand arrow.

      He turned and smiled at me "Maybe, its a good thing she is gone by the way you smell better than her plus you are a Virgin. This is going to be fun".

     I shot again but this time around he caught it. I shot again he caught, I continue shot till I was out of arrows, I threw the bow and arrow jacket at him but he just move fast preventing it from hitting him.

       I looked at my sword then at his face and smiled. I didn't think I will ever kill a vampire again because my mate turned out to be one but truth to be told i miss killing vampire.

          He ran up to me aiming for my neck, before he could reach me I did a little back flip. He was a little shock before he could recover I kicked his legs with landed him on the floor.

     I ran out of the open space with we where in. He stood up but didn't chase me because to him I was running in circle unknowingly to him I was drawing a runes around.
        Immediately I was done I came inside the circle, I picked up the bow that's when he attack using my back to hit a tree really hard. I grasp . He chuckled "I like you. You are a feisty one".

       I raised me with his hand causing me to choke, I kicked him where the sun don't shine, threw me away and I fell but my right leg landed on one of my arrows which was standing erect.

           I pulled the arrow out of my leg, picking up two extra arrow and bow, i didn't bother picking the sword. I stood up  and leaped to the closest tree I could find...

          I looked up at the bloody vampire who was looking at my amazed." Why would you just submit yourself, I promise to make your death less painful " ..

"In your dreams bitch". I place two arrow on the ground erectly holding the first one with my blood on it.

       I aimed for his chest but knowing he will move forward and to his left side trying to Dodge my arrow I changed my direction before shooting.

       Fortunately for me, he did what  I though he will do but moved too close which made the arrow land in his stomach.

      He screamed, that's a sign the rune was working. {I drew a rune which makes a complete vampire suffer from the slightest pain. My blood around the arrow made it more intense}..

     While he was struggling to pull the arrow out, I picked up another arrow placing my blood around it and shoot his chest. He yelp  out loudly because of the pain which put a smile on my face.

       I picked up the last arrow place my blood on it, kissed it and shoot him in the heart." Bye bitch"

     He landed on the floor, just to make sure his dead I leap over to my sword pick it up and moved over to him. He was landing down with his eyes his still breathing and chop off his head.

        I removed the rune around and started digging the ground so I could place him inside... After what felt like an hour or two I was done digging, i  buried him and started going back. It was already getting dark.

       I had blood all over my body, I started feeling dizzy but I know its not safe for me out here. I stop on my track when I heard sounds coming from my side.
."Come out, I know you have been watching me" I yelled.
.     "Samantha long time no see" I was shocked at first but I quickly recover and ran straight for him

"You BASTARD, YOU KILLED MY SISTER". I tried striking him the sword but he was too fast and I was too weak.... He still had his face covered with the same clothes of that night.

" I wouldn't kill you, when you are weak but you death will be slow and meaningful "

     I tried harder but he was able to dodge all of my effort,so I decided to throw the sword which scrape his hand a little. I heard Daniel calling my name, I turned to sound but when I turned back to look at him he was no longer there.

     "Sam!!! Sam!!...SAM"

"I am over here" Immediately I said so he was by my side, I rested my head on his chest.."What are you doing here, I though you will be coming back tomorrow" with that I closed my eyes, I heard him mumbling but I wasn't able to pick out the worlds.


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