Chapter 1: Speak Of The Devil

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Summer's POV:

"Right, left, right, left"I whispered to myself, walking down some random street. About twenty minutes ago, I had meant to go visit my cousin, Lainie at her house. But, considering the fact that I had only been to this hell hole called Whiterose a handful of times, and only briefly, I was of course lost.

Not that I cared though, the people around here were strange, real strange to be exact. With their weird way of speaking, and the things they did for entertainment. But then again, I guess I couldn't know much at all about this God for saken town.

Since all I've been doing for the past month is staying at 'home'. Hell, the only enteraction with people who weren't my mom and dad, and younger brother, or Laine I'd had since I arrived was that wild party last night.

This guy named Dumus had tried to kiss me. Who was cute enough I guess, but I'm not one just to waist my first kiss on some random guy who could have-God forbid- mono. Shortly after that, I went up stairs to look for Lainie, but no such luck. Growing impatient, and really just wanting to leave, especially since that Dumus guy kept popping up everywhere.

I had a sudden urge to go and bother this really intriguing guy. He was fairly tall, definitely taller than me, by about 3 inches. He had a cast on his right leg-it had been covered with many different colors, and a various amount of names were signed.Which meant he was well known and popular, I just didn't know for what though. And he had curly, spikey, moussed up, bright, fiery auburn-red hair(which he had obviously dyed). I don't know what made me walk over to this good-looking, random redhead, but I did-must've been his eyes. Honestly, he was the most interesting person at the party, maybe even in the whole town! Yep, it was undoubtedly those electric, sky-high blue eyes, that either held everying in the world or nothing at all. I'd never seen anyone with those type of blue eyes, just the usual boring baby blue ones, or ocean blue. Bleh.

Striding up to him, and looking down at him from his sitting position. As I was closer now. I could see three important things about him; one, he had little, white, oddly shaped, sparks surrounding his pupils(makeing his eyes look like be jeweled diamonds). Two; there were freckles scattered across his nose, they were hardly visible(I absolutely
hate freckles, but for some reason his were an exception-they were kinda cute). And third; from the way he was slightly swaying told me he was drunk(real drunk).

"Ping-pong", I asked, knowing that he would oblige. Minutes passed, and I was still winning in a streak of five. Which I'm sure was partly because he was drunk, and I was sober, and partly because I was just damb good(thanks dad).

I heard footsteps rappidly approaching from behind me, snapping me out of "Summerville". My stomach did a flip-flop type thing, at the all too familiar odors of weed, alcohol, and colonge mixed together.

"Hey hotness remember me", Dumus asked, roughly, spinning me around to face him and his friends. They were all dressed in the same style of clothing; leather, studded jackets, with ripped jeans, and black combat boots, with long, greasy hair. Except for the black guy, who was basically matching the other five-minus the hair of course. A sloppy grin was plastered on all of their faces-Dumus wore the biggest, an over sized flask in his right hand. Wow, drunk in the middle of the afternoon-very sad, I thought.

Dropping the cigarette I had been smoking on the sidewalk, smooshing it with my chucked foot. Finally I looked up at Dumus in the eyes-they were black, and ugly, and cold unlike the redhead's whose were just frosty. The look on his face made me instantly regret ever even talking to him!

"Unfortunately Dumass, I do, and quite frankly, I wish I had never even spoke to your lame ass", I hissed. His hard composure faltered some, but he quickly regained it. Saying all slimy-like, "come on be nice to me", he cooed. He must really believe he's the best thing since MTV, I thought. I rolled my right ankle, preparing for what would happen next.

"When hell freezes over Dumass", then I stiffened my kicking leg(the right one) swiftly delivering a much needed 'around the house kick' to his nuts. Instantly he was down on all fours groaning, there was fire in his eyes as he spat out two death sentence words, "get her".

I took off running down the street, every once and again getting yelled at for trespassing. We did this for a long while, then I got creative and doubled back. Making them skid to a halt as a familiar-looking car parked in the middle of the road. Putting space between me and my pursuers. "Get in now", a boy with long black hair yelled through the rolled down window.

Obeying him, I opened the back door, and jumped in the backseat. Crashing into a sleeping someone, as Lainie sped down the road into the now night. I was breathing heavily from all that abuse I had just indurred.

"The name's Bobby Keller, and you are", he asked with a polite smile. Oh this must be Lainie's boyfriend Bobby, that she's been going on about. He was good-looking, with his Michael Jackson get up, but not as good looking as the blue-eyed redhead from last night. But then again, they were two totally different looking people, so I couldn't really compare them. "Summer", I answered, vaguely, taking his hand in mine, shaking it.

"Bobby, this is my cousin Summer Diamond, you know the one I've been talking about"? His face lit up with realization, "oh so this is Summer", he exclaimed all goofy-like, making me giggle. I already liked Bobby, I could tell we were gonna be the best of pals. Turning back to talk to me again, "oh and that lazy ass is what I've been calling my bestfriend for nine years, his name is-get this", he said snickering.

"Dinger Holfield", an unfamiliar, sleepy voice interjected. I shook his hand, which was kinda clammy, but for the the most part real soft. Letting go before I made things awkward, not that it mattered anyways. Because just as soon as our hands touched, his head fell back against the window, asleep.

"Don't worry he's just sleeping off all the booze he had last night at the party, he had a baaaad night". Bobby dragged out the word 'bad' for empahsis. Finally Lainie spoke up saying sympathetically, "poor thing, some random girl that he'd never even met before, hustled him at his favorite sport, ping-pong", then she trailed off. Bobby picked up on her sentence, but by the time he had finished saying, "and took his brand new sneakers"!

I had already noticed the familiar black and white striped cane, and the spikey, moussed up fiery, red hair! Goddamnit, I thought, my mind finaly catching on to who the sleeping boy named Dinger was. Or better yet, who the drunk, blue-eyed, redhead was.

And that's when I heard a familiar, not so sleepy voice say with distaste, "well, well, well, speak of the devil", Dinger said slowly and dramatically. I looked up at him through my long, very convient at the time eyelashes, and was met with electric sky-high blue eyes...... extra frosty. Dinger was no longer asleep.

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