Chapter 20: Project Valentine's Day(part2of5)

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Dinger's POV:

The rest of the school day went by pretty fast, and just like that I was on my way to Bam's house. I was seriously thinking of turning my happy ass around and goin' home. But I didn't, because I actually was looking forward to seeing Sam.

I knocked on the door, and Sam opened the door, jumping into my open arms. "Hey buddy, what's good", I asked smiling. His big green eyes had a glint in them as he told me all the things that I had missed.

Just then Bam came into the living room, she walked over to me and took Sam. I narrowed my eyes at her, and she did the same. "I've missed you Dinger, you should come around more often", Sam said, oblivious to what was really going on.

"Tell your sister that buddy", then I walked into the kitchen. Bam after a little while came into the kitchen to, but didn't say anything. "What's up dude"(being real heavy on 'dude'), I asked all chipper-like. Bam rolled her eyes, and started pulling out a variety amount of things.

"So what are we gonna make", I asked in the same extra chipper voice. "Can you stop pretending that care about this assignment, because unlike you I actually do", she snapped.

"Can you stop pretending that you care about this assignment", I mocked her. She shook her head mumbling something about me being childish. "Again, what are we gonna make", I asked, drumming my nonexistent finger nails on the counter.

She heaved a sigh and said, "cupcakes". "No", I simply said. Bam narrowed her eyes at me, "excuse me, come again", she said, cupping her hand to her ear as if she really hadn't heard me. "No, we're not making cupcakes, that's too easy". She scoffed, rolling her heated brown eyes, "and I suppose you know all about cooking don't ya"? "I watch cooking shows every once and again", I chimed.

"Fine then, what do you wanna make Dinger"? Shrugging my shoulders, "anything really, so long as they're not cupcakes".

"How 'bout we bake a cake then"?

"Nope, nope, nope".

"Then what do you wanna make Dinger"?!


"We can't we have to make a dessert".

"You didn't let me finish, Pizza Gelato".

"You mean like pizza ice cream"?

"Yes exactly".



The kitchen was a mess, and when I say mess I mean mess. I'm talkin' tomato sauce everywhere, cheese on the floor(anywhere but the places it should be really) loads of ice cream puddles. And if you moved, you would step on a garlic glove every once and again.

Now I know that me and Bam aren't on good terms, but I still was having a great time cooking with her. "Here taste the sauce", Bam said, after she had finished making it. I dipped my finger in the bowl of lumpy sauce, then I licked the sauce off my finger.

It was really bland(as bland as tomatoe sauce could get anyways) it really lacked the "I'm a dessert, eat me now" factor. Bam was standing up by the stove and I was sitting down at the center of the disaster area(the kitchen table).

"Positively amazing", I lied, Bam rolled her eyes and then turned back to the stove. Immediately, after she had done this, I grabbed a fist full of sugar, chunking it into the nasty concoction. Then I grabbed the spoon to mix it up, putting another two in for good measure.

"My parents are gonna kill me", Bam said with worried eyes. I tasted the sauce again(real sweet now). "You know a friend once told ya that he wouldn't let that happen", I vised. She turned around to look me, "yeah he also told me that falling in love wasn't so bad".

I scrunched up my nose and said, "he sounds like a real asshole". Bam chuckled, and then her face got all serious, "yeah but he was my asshole".

I swallowed hard, "and you were his".

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