Chapter 14: About That Night

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Summer's POV:

"Look Joel I'm really late for class and so are you, but if you really wanna talk to me, meet me at my locker after next period. He nodded, and then sped off down the opposite hallway.

Joel had just randomly came up to me as I was making my way to third period(English). He kept on going about how 'we didn't know the first thing about each other', and how he 'just wants me to get to know him as a person'.

I walked in and sat down in my usual seat in front of Dumus. Who had thankfully left me alone ever since he and Shelly started dating, though he still harassed me every once and again. I looked over at Dinger's vacant seat beside me.

I hadn't seen him all morning, he didn't even come and pick me up for school to join the rest of our friends like he always did. In fact, come to think of it, I hadn't heard from him since the night he ate dinner with my family. That was on Saturday, it was now Tuesday, he told me he'd see me on Monday.

The teacher was now passing out some exam over ethos, pathos, and logos. I hate English, it's so boring, but at least I'm pretty good at it though.

The door swung open, and in walked a very sleepy, grouchy, beaten up Dinger. "Mr. Holfield how nice of you to join us", Ms. Carson said suspiciously.

Dinger grunted in response, then he walked up to her desk and got himself a test. Making his way to the back of the room where our seats were.

"Do you gotta pencil I can borrow", he whispered, not really looking at me, but more at the floor. I handed him one, still staring at the nasty purple- yellow-blue bruises on his face.

Dinger's right eye was the worst it was swollen shut, and there were cuts littered all across his pale face. I also noticed that he had bruises on the back of his hands, meaning that there probably more on his arms.

"Take a picture and it'll last longer", Dinger snapped. I shook my head, and went back to taking my test. "What happened to ya Dinger", I asked him, once he layed his head on his desk. "Not that it's any of your business, but I got my ass kicked, that's what happened. But that's okay, I'm really working this look", he muttered miserably.

Dinger and I turned in our test a few minutes after one another(Dinger had of course cheated off of me). "I gotta get outta here", Dinger announced. The class watched him leave, and instantly began whispering about what the hell happened to the school's celebrity.

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