Chapter 3: You New Here(part1of2)

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Summer's POV:

Beep, Beep, Beep. My alarm clock obnoxiously sounded, rousing me from my much needed sleep. I rolled out of bed, and groggily made my way to my own bathroom, shutting the door behind me. Once the shower water was the right temperature, I jumped in the shower, hopping around a little to wake myself up. Once I was out and squeaky clean, I blow dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and deoderized. Then I put on a matching bra and underwear from Calvin Klien. I walked out of my bathroom to rumage for some clothes. Only to find a fiery, red headed boy lying on my water bed, studying a Teen Bop issue. "Dinger"!

He looked up from the magazine, and instantly dropped it. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry", Dinger apologized over and over again. Burying his head in his hands so he couldn't see me. Thank God I hadn't decided to wear my lace undies, now that would've been bad.

I commanded Dinger to keep his eyes covered, as I put on a plain red t-shirt, and my favorite pair of shorteralls. "Alright you can look now", I said, in a surprisingly calm tone. Timidly, he moved his hands from his eyes and gave me a cute, crooked, half-smile, showing all two rows of pearly whites. I walked over to where he now sat on my bed, in a semi-nervous manner.

I picked up the magazine setting it on my night stand, we each waited for the other to break the awkward silence. I put on long white socks, and a pair of red hightops(chucks). I scrunched down my socks to finish my outfit, exceptional, I thought. Next I weaved around a still sitting Dinger to get my bag. But he was faster than me, our hands touched briefly, as he handed it to me.

I looked at the time, 7:00am, I silently shut my bedroom door and locked it, so no one would see the intruder. Then I went to my gigantic, walk in closet, and pulled out Dinger's beloved sneakers, I tossed them to him.

I was suprised that he had caught them, because I thought he had been looking at his cuticles the whole time(obviously his thinking tik). But no, he must've been watching me for quite sometime. I looked at him with amusement in my eyes, fighting to keep my laugh from escaping my mouth. At the sight of Dinger's shaking hands, struggling to tie his sneakers.

Wow. Dinger Holfield, the schools bad boy and heart breaker(Laine's told me all about his Johnny Casonova lifestyle) nervous, I thought.
As I made my way over to a still struggling Dinger. I got down on my knees and finished tying Dinger's shoes, if you could even call it that (he hadn't even started, the poor boy).

When I was I finished I placed my hands on Dinger's knees ready to push myself up. But instead I paused, sitting there, hands resting lazily on his knees.

This feels weird, I thought, as Dinger's beautiful blue eyes searched my brown ones for what, I'll never know. A knock came at my door startling us both, but only Dinger blushed.

I got up and grabbed Dinger's sweaty hand, leading him to my open window. "You first", I said and he obeyed, all the while looking like he was literally about to loose his marbles.

When we were outside, Dinger finaly regained his usual composure. Saying nonchalantly, "we should really come up with some kind of system................ you know so that very uncomfortable fiasco doesn't happen again". I looked at him from the corner of my eye(still tomatoe Tommy).

"Oh sure Trudy, that's next on our agenda", I agreed while smirking. He continued to limp along for a while, then stopped all together. Examining his ugly cuticles, "Trudy, I like that".

Then we cut through this old man's lawn, Coleman, I think his name was. Bobby, Lainie, and three other girls, along with a good-looking, brown haired boy were already there, harassing that Coleman guy.

Dinger instantly limped away from me, and started loving on a pretty girl with blonde hair. Her name was Brandi(ugly ass name) and from what Lainie said "the love of his life".

My heart sank a little when he smashed his cute, uneven, kissable lips against Brandi's.

But only a little.

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