Chapter 3: You New Here(part2of2)

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Summer's POV:

Here goes nothin', I thought. As I followed Dinger, Bobby, Lainie, Brandi, and the other two girls, and that cute boy.

The school was packed to the max, and it was so loud that it made my ears hurt(sensitive ear problems). We all stood there for a bit until, Dinger spoke up. Saying a bit too enthusiastic for my liking, "Bam, this is my awesome girlfriend Brandi. Or as I like to call her, Kristy", he chimed, winking.

We shook each others hands, I stared at hers for a while. Bloody hell, they were the size of Canada!! "Im Shelly, nice to meet ya hun", a pretty girl(much prettier than Brandi, but not as pretty as Lainie) chimed.

"Summer", I replied politely and smiled back at her. Then the boy slid up to me and grabbed my hand. "Hello baby, the boy of your dreams name is Joel", he said kissing the top of it.

I thought about this act for a moment. Studying Dinger's red face, Bobby's amused one, Brandi's reluctant one, Shelly's amazed one, Lainie's expressionless one, and the other, girl had a shady face on.

"Strange, I don't recall my 'dream boy' looking like you", I said smirking. He rose his bushy eyebrows and said, "fiesty"-"Just the way you like 'em", everyone chimed, cutting my 'dream boy' off.

Then the bell rang, and the crowds of kids began to quickly thin out. As everyone else left, besides the other girl, who looked like a girl version of Joel, and Joel. "My name is Angel- Joel's sister", we shook hands. Then she left down some unknown hall.

"Need any help getting anywhere babe", Joel cooed, reminding of Dumus(who I had yet to encounter). I shook my head, showing him my very complicated schedule.

Then I pushed passed him, making sure he knew not to follow me-he didn't. "Sucker", I muttered, because I really didn't know where I was going.

A few minutes passed of me trying to find the correct hallway, that would take me to room 229. No such luck, which was why I started to double back. Praying, that this much needed knowledge would magically come to me(it didn't).

Just then I came to a dead stop, as I stared at a boy whose head was in his locker. Instantly, I knew what he was up to(smoking). Acid washed jeans, ripped at both knees and thighs, along with a white T-shirt. It had a scrap of a grey kitten, breathing fire. He wore a nice green, blazer with weird, unknown patches, badges, chains and medals attached. A black welder's hat was resting backwards carelessly on the back of his head. And one of those strange, but really cool silver dangle earings hung from his right ear.

To finish the look the boy tied a red banndana on his left sleeve-this boy really new how to dress. But unfortunately the only boy I knew who owned and could work this look is the one and only-

"Dinger". He whipped around wildly, banging his head against his locker door. "Uh I wasn't smoking, I wasn't smoking, Mr. Plum, sir", he spluttered rubbing his head. "Oh it's just you Bam", he said, relaxing. Stuffing the still lit cigarette in one of his many jacket pockets.

He snatched my schedule out of my hands, I reached for it. But he, forcefully placed his hand on my forehead. Preventing me from so much as touching it.

I watched Dinger scan it, only half interested. A bright, toothy smile formed on his face, "come on Bam, class is this way. Yonder"! Then he, much to my despair, tossed my schedule in a nearby trash can.

"Looks like I'm your escort, and your guide", he claimed, throwing his arm over my shoulders. Not to wanting to be rude, " guess so Trudy, guess so". Then he smiled at me, a real smile, the best smile I'd ever saw. I couldn't help but smile back.

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