Chapter 20: Project Valentine's Day(part1of5)

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Dinger's POV:

"Bobby, is there any film left in your camera, she doesn't wanna talk to me"! It's been a whole three months since Bam and I have last spoke, which really surprises me because I thought that our friendship was stronger than that. But now we're not friends at all I guess.

We were walking home from a totally rad party, and Bobby had for some reason struck up an urge to get me and Bam talking again. "Come on Dinger, I mean how hard could it possibly be to talk to your other best friend? You don't know how hard it is to have my two best friends hate each other".

Oh great another one of Bobby's legendary lectures, I thought. I took a long drag of my cigarette, "honestly Bobby, I feel like it's best for us to just, you know be apart", I explained. Bobby groaned and thumped me on the head, "how in the fuck are you guys 'apart'? I mean you see each other practically everyday, you both have the same friend group, sit at the same table, live on the same street, have each other in five classes! Tell me man, how are you guys 'apart', because the way I and Lainie see it, y'all are still together as always. Dinger and Bam, Bam and Dinger".

Everything Bobby was saying was true, we weren't apart, but we weren't together either. Besides I don't need Bam, ever since that fight with her, Shelly and I have been goin' real steady. I mean sure she'd make out with some random guy from time to time, but I did the same thing with the girls, that's just how we functioned.

And really that's how it has to function if you're with Shelly. Because she knows that she's a little slutty so I guess she wants to keep that title. Believe me, it gets a little annoying at times because well she's mine!

"Tomorrow is Wensday", Bobby stated, as if that actually meant something. Dropping my cigarette and putting it out with my sneakered foot. "Yeah and your point is"?

Bobby rolled his eyes, "my point is that Valentines Day, the day were we can express PDA without getting detention is near". I could give a shit less about Valentines Day, the day of love has nothing on Christmas, or my birthday!

"I still don't follow B-man", I said, opening the door to his house. "In five days the day of love will be here, so if Shelly means anything to you, then you should get her something nice".

Following Bobby up to his room, "ha I've got it, I'll give her myself, that's really nice", I joked. "Look whatever you do, you better get her something she's never had". Then he flopped on one of the cots and fell asleep.

"Shelly's already had my love, but someone else hasn't", I said to no one.


It was 7the period(food tech) a class that I had Joel and Bam in. Which really tanked because those two have been all buddy-buddy together. I mean is she seriously attempting to replace me with that good for nothing physco?! Because if she is the joke is on her, Dinger Holfield can not be replaced!

Bam and Joel partnered up in front of me, which leaves me with Loopy Lisa for a partner.
"Mr. Holfield, I'm going to need you to switch partners with Joel", Mr. Lanxton said. "Why", Bam and I asked in sync. Joel was already fuming(much to my amusement). "Because you two"-points to Joel and Bam-"never get any work done when y'all are together".

No one moved, "come on switch", he yelled. I groaned, "very sorry Lisa that you have to work that physco", I whispered sympathetically. Joel and I switched seats.

"So what are we gonna do", asked Bam, obviously not liking this one bit. "Whatever you want, I don't care", I muttered, not looking at her. For the rest of the class we ignored each other, while everyone else was discussing what they were gonna cook.

The bell rang and I got up, but Bam stopped me saying in a very aggravated tone. "I guess you could come over today, at like 5:30, you're not staying for dinner, so don't even try Dinger".

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