Chapter 8: Keep It A Secret(part2of2)

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Summer's POV:

I was in my bedroom, lying on my stomach crying silently. Last night I had seen the worst thing ever as I was coming down the stairs of Lainie's house(I had went pee).

Bobby was hunkering down underneath the counter, open mouthed all distraught-like. Whatever he was looking, at he did not like it one bit. Granted that he was shaking his head so vigorously, that I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash.

I crept down the stairs trying to get a better look at what, I didn't know. But just then Bobby ran out the door, angry. "What the hell", I whispered. I decided to linger at the middle of the staircase for a little while.

The only light in the whole house was from the still blaring T.V, and the kitchen light above the sink. It was dark, but fortunately there was enough light that I could still see. Two figures, one who was taller than the other one. The shorter figure whispered something then, I heard the unmistakable sound of lips on cheek.

I strained my ears, "how's that for a midnight snack", the girl voice asked. Then Shelly strided out the kitchen, to lay back down on the couch. Taking a seat on one of the expensive wooden steps, "Shit I'm still hungry", Dinger complained. My mouth gaped open, just like Bobby's had. As I caught on to what Shelly was doing, and with who she was doing it with. "Dinger you bastard".

Just then my mom came barging in my room, in an excited manner. "Mom what the hell"?! I sat up in my bed, hoping that the signs that I had been crying weren't too obvious.

She walked over to me, jumping up and down like a little school girl. "A boy is hear to see you Summer", she squeeled. Oh my Lord, I thought, rolling my eyes at her excitement. I mean sure I've never had a boy come to my house wanting to see me, other than my best friend Billy, back in Miami. But still the immensity, of my mom's excitement, was so ridiculous.

"Well it's definitely not Dinger, he comes through my window", I muttered. Following my mom down the hallway that lead to the staircase.

As we were making our way down the stairs, I froze at the sight of Bobby waiting, awkwardly at the end of the staircase. What the hell is Bobby doing in my house?!

He smiled at me, but his eyes were dark and full of anger, and some other thing. "Hey I gotta talk to ya Summer, it's real important", Bobby told me. The poor kid just really wanted to get out. Granted that his dark eyes kept flitting around the house, always landing on my dad.

Who of course was giving him the fatherly stink eye, and grunting in disapproval every once and again. Gotta love my dad, right?

"Alright, then start talking Bobby", I vised. He ran his fingers through his hair(which looked good today-kinda like he had tried extra hard to look good-which he did).

"I mean like outside, alone, away from here", said Bobby, scratching his neck. I had never seen Bobby so-so-so skittish. My mom squealed behind me, shit I had completely forgotten that she acting as my shadow.

Bobby walked out the door, motioning for me to follow him wherever. Shutting the door behind me, I was surprised at how fast Bobby was walking. Wow, this kid is really booking it, I thought, sprinting to catch up to him.

We fast walked in silence(even though Bobby was just walking I was the one fast walking). Finally Bobby broke the silence saying, "you have a lovely family, and you're mom I think she kinda digs me".

I chuckled at how casual he had sounded just then, despite the fact that this obviously was serious matter. "Of course she digs you Bobby, you're a guy", I answered him. He looked at me now as were making our way to wherever he was taking me.

"What's that supposed to mean"? I thought for a second, what does that mean. "My mom just wants me to get a boyfriend because its a"-using by fingers for quote-"good experience".

"Heh", Bobby laughed, making me laugh with him. "So what your saying is you've never had a boyfriend before"?

"That's exactly what I'm saying Bobby".





"Never ever"?

"Never ever".

"Never never"?

"Never never".

"Ever ever"?

"Ever ever".

Bobby shoved his hands in his pockets(probably because he was trying not to make it obvious that he was thinking). "But why, because you just can't get a boyfriend or, because you've just never wanted one because you haven't found the right guy", Bobby curiously asked.

Pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "you know for someone who had to 'tell' me something you sure are asking a lot of questions. But it's definitely the latter Bobby".

Bobby started walking a little slower(probably just realizing that three of my strides were one of his). "I thought so", was all he said.


Bobby decided that instead of going to the park to 'talk', we should go to this 50s styled burger joint, called Archie's Atomic. It was actually a really cool place minus all the waitresses in skimpy outfits on skates. And no I have no problem with the skates, it's just their outfits-hardly covered their ass.

"Um I'll take two Bacon Bacon burgers, and two vanilla milk shakes", Bobby told the waitress. As she started to leave, he yelled, "and a platter of those really good french fries"!

Bobby turned back around, and gasped at the serious stink eye I was sending him. "What, you don't know what's good here", he vised in a matter-of-fact tone. He was right, so I just rolled my eyes. A few minutes passed then our food came.

"Thanks much love", Bobby said winking. Uh he's just like Dinger-no Dinger cheats, not flirts every once and again like Bobby, I corrected myself. I took a sip of my milkshake(which tasted like heaven).

"Aren't you gonna eat your Bacon", Bobby asked, practically drooling at the right of my neglected Bacon on my plate.

"No I don't like Bacon", I simply said. Bobby's eyes went wide with excitement. "Heh why didn't you tell me that sooner", he asked. Reaching over, snatching the Bacon up, and shoving it on his half-eaten burger.

When we were at my doorstep, Bobby looked at me and whispered as if someone was listening. "Keep it a secret", with that he ran away. I knew exactly what Bobby was talking about.

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