Imagine for Grace

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This is a dirty imagine so warning for thos

Me and Colby have been freinds for as long as we can remember. And i have had the biggest chrush on him. Plus I know he likes me too. Sam always tells me how much he talks about me. Just not when I'm around.
  Today's my birth day. And Sam is out of town so it's just me and Colby.
We were sitting on my trampoline and talking, when all of the sudden he gets up ans starts jumping and singing happy birth day to me.
  "HAPPY BIRTH DAY TO YOU. YOU LIVE IN A ZOO. YOU SMELL LIKE A MONKEY AND LOOK LIKE ONE TOO. HEY!!" Not exactly the birth day song but close enough.
  "Wow thanks Colby." I laugh and playfully pinch him in the arm.
  We go inside and sit on my bed. "Oh! I'll be right back." He says going down stairs. He comes back and tells me to close my eyes. I hear him walk over to me. He stops and I can hear him try to stifle a laugh.
   Then I get this weird feeling on face. "Hahaha! I gave you, your birthday cake. Thats you get for doing that to me last year." I start laughing. I go and get cleaned up.
   When I come out of the bathroom I noticed it's midnight. I walk into my room and see Colby shirtless.
  "I hope you don't mind if I sleep here tonight." He says with a smile.
   "Well I guess not." He gets up so sexy. He walks up and kisses me.
   "That was long over do." He says quoting Captain America. He kisses me again and things get over heated.
   "Jump." I jump as I'm told. He caries me to the bed. Next thing I know we're naked and he's on top.
I wake up the next morning my legs hurt. I then remeber what happened last night.
   I find Colby's shirt put it on along with under ware and walk down stairs to see him making food.
   "I had fun lst night." I say startling him. "Me too." Says and kisses me again.
    "I have to shower." I say. He looks at me and turns off the stove. "Round two?"
   Lets just say I had a really good birthday because in the end I got a boyfriend...

Ok so this was for ggrrblue101. I hope you like it. This was my first time writing smut. And sorry Grace if you don't like the song, you just never replied to me. Anywho this has been SKYLAR!!!! *Lit Sam and Colby outro*

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