It's your shark week

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So I decided that since it has been awhile why not get a random Colby and maybe later a random Sam imagine.

                  *Y/N P.O.V*
Today is the worst day ever. I got my shark week yesterday. I have been in pain and a bad mood. I yelled at Sam because he made me mad. Like seriously who's twin brother comes in and says that it's not that bad. SAM ALMOST DIED IF OUR PARENTS WEREN'T HOME. And to make it worse I have to go to school like this.
As we pull up to school, Sam runs and does his weird handshake with his friend Colby. Speaking of which, Colby is so cute. "Y/N! Hows it going? Haven't seen you all weekend." Colby smiles at me. Of course I had to be in a bad mood thanks to Sam. "Fuck off. No one cares how I am. Right Sam, thats what you said to me?" Sam's face turns bright red. "I would never. Come one Colby lets go to our lockers."
At lunch I sit more moody then this morning. "Y/N, have you seen the new kid. Omg football player and hot like hot hot?" My best friend said to me.
"No he is not hot. But you know who is hot-" she cut me off, "Colby! Hi how you doing?" She says keeping me from embarrassing myself. "Hey Alex can i speak with Y/N alone?" She doesn't say a word but just gets up and leaves.
"So Y/N, I was just wondering why you yelled at me this morning." He says voice shakey. "Oh yeah sorry bout that Sam put me in a bad mood this morning and I wasn't really in the mood." "No it's ok. Sam told me what's goong on this week. He really regrets what he said to you."
"Yeah no really it's fine I swear." I say smiling. "Don't you go around swearing now." We both luagh at Colby's comment. Wow he gets cuter by the second.
"Well I gotta go back to Sam, but I'll see ya later." "Yeah later." I sit back down after waving at him ugh I love him.

Hey. It's been awhile. How's every one doing? Well I hope you guys like this part and please help I have run out of ideas for this and would love some help. I might do a part two for this one. But like and comment. Any who this has been SKYLAR!!!!!
*Lit Sam and Colby outro*

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