Chapter 2

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"Tetsu, why are you staring at me?" You asked. The bed headed male cut off his stare, he didn't even realize he had been looking at you. He smirked, "There was something on your face."Kuroo replied, reaching over the table and brushing off the nothingness on your face. "What was it?" You asked, swiping at your face before briefly looking around the coffee shop.

Beauty, he thought, but instead he chose to say, "Just a crumb from your muffin." You nodded your head before saying thank you. Kuroo went back to taking notes for the Bioorganic Chemistry class the two of you shared, you briefly stared at him, then looked back down to your textbook.

You began taking notes again, tucking the pieces of your hair that were falling out of your messy bun back behind your ear. Kuroo quickly looked up, bit his lip, then looked back down. He couldn't believe the fact that you were sitting right in front of him, you were so close, although you had been doing note/study dates basically every week since you started college, which was like a month.

"Hey, excuse me, do you have a minute?" A male asked, tapping your shoulder as you looked up from your notes. He smiled at you and you smiled back before tapping the pencil against the chin. Kuroo looked up as well, before he narrowed his feline-like eyes.

"Sure why not, I could use a break from this crap." You said, sounding friendly.

"Well, I saw you from across the coffee shop and I was wondering if sometime you'd like to go out. I don't care what we do, it's up to you." The male said, giving you a cheery smile.

Kuroo eyed the brown haired male, before he decided he'd speak. "Oikawa-san, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at a match with the national team?" He asked.

He looked at Kuroo, then shook his head. "No, the coach told me to rest because of overworking my knee, he wouldn't let me play no matter how much I wanted to."

"So you play volleyball?" You asked, edging your way back into the conversation.

"Yes, I do. I'm a setter."

You took one of his hands then lifted up his palm and fingers, inspecting the callouses. After your brief investigation of his hands, and the annoyed glare Kuroo had given you, you dropped his hand back at his side. "You are telling the truth. You practice hard too, you don't just get those callouses over night."

The setter smiled at you, before then asking your name. " It's (l/n) (f/n), call me by my first name though if that's okay?" You asked, looking up at him. The brown haired male cracked a smile, before nodding his head. "Well (f/n)-chan, call me Tooru." He said.

"And yes, sure, we could do something tomorrow if you want?" You asked, tilting your head at his question.

"Here, you might need this." Oikawa then dropped a napkin with his number on it onto the table. You briefly looked at it before smiling as he walked away.

Kuroo had been witnessing this whole thing, and boy was he annoyed. Sure you weren't his girlfriend and never had been. But the thought of you with the pretty setter made his stomach turn. He loved Oikawa as a friend, but as soon as he asked you on a date, he felt resentment towards the guy.

He knew he shouldn't be jealous, he had no reason to be. But Oikawa was like a freaking model with a show-stopping smile. Although he knew for the most part his personality might be a little bit trashy, he still felt envious.

"Tetsu why are you scowling? Oh and I didn't know he was your teammate on the university's volleyball team. He's quite a cutie."

Kuroo faked a smirk as he dismissed your question. "Ohoho? Is somebody catching a crush?" He said, although he could feel the jealousy trying to strangle his thoughts and words.

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