Love and War

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*Flashback to their wedding day in June*

Bryan p.o.v.

I stand at the altar with my brothers on one side of me and their girls on the other. Everyone in the church gets situated and we wait for Aja to walk out. God I'm so nervous!

Bryan:*whispers* Hey Kelly is my hair ok??

Kelly:*whispers* Nigga it's fine! Chill out it's gonna be fine.

Kelly's right, I just gotta chill. Then everyone stands up and looks at the church doors and my little banana walks in. My mouth drops open. Good Lordy Aja looks stunning. Her gown is beautiful and she looks gorgeous. She smiles at me and my knees get weak.

Aja: *laughing*You can close your mouth now Bryan.

Bryan:*smiles* You look beautiful baby.

Aja:*smiles* Thanks, I know *flips hair* lol.

We all laugh then the preacher starts the ceremony then me and Aja exchange our vows.

Aja: Bryan aka Freckles, I love you. You always find a way to make me smile even when I feel like choking you lol. You put up with my crazy weird ways and excepted me for myself, thank you Bryan. You're always looking out for me through thick and thin and I'll be happy to finally call you my husband.

I held back my tears and proceeded with my vows.

Bryan: *smiling* Aja, I love you my little banana. When I first met you I admit I thought you were weird, but it was a cute interesting weird. There is never a dull moment with you and seeing your face even if it's just for a few minutes brightens my day. You always find a way to make me laugh and I can never stay mad at you. I love you Aja and I promise to love and protect you until the day I die.

Everyone in the church says Aww and we all laugh. We give each other our rings then I finally get to kiss her.

Aja: Kiss me already damn!

I laugh then I pull her in close and her soft lips touch mine. Everyone claps and we head to our reception. We dance all night and had so much fun. Today was the best day of my life. I can't wait to start our future as husband and wife.


*next year in June*

Aja p.o.v.

Bryan: Aja I'm leaving now!

Aja: Wait, give me a kiss before you go!

Bryan: Well hurry up before I'm late!

Aja: Nigga don't rush me, I'll make you 2 hours late if you if you keep rushing me.

Bryan:*laughs* alright.

Bryan grabs my waist and kisses me passionately.

Aja: *breaks kiss* So what time are you coming back?

Bryan: Probably 10:30, I'll see you later babe!

Aja: alright bye.

Bryan leaves and heads to the studio now I'm all alone and bored. Maybe I can call Morgan and hang out with her and Owen.

*phone convo*

Morgan: Hello?

Aja: Morgan!!

Morgan: Aja!!

Aja: what's up bae?

Morgan: Nothing much feeding Owen, what's up with you?

Aja: I'm bored and Bryan left for work lol.

Morgan: Lol you wanna come over?

Aja: Yea sure I'll be there in a little lol.

I drive to Morgan's house and she answers the door with Owen and he has food all over him.

Aja: *laughing*Did you get into a food fight with him or did it just explode lol?

Morgan:*laughs* He likes to play with his food lol, come in.

We go and sit in the living and we talk as she cleans Owen up.

Morgan: So guess who's coming to stay with me and Patrick for awhile?

Aja: Oh my gosh who??

Morgan: Kacey!

Aja: Oh my Gosh I miss her! Last time I saw her she was acting kinda weird though.

Morgan: That's just Kacey lol, she can be moody at times. She's moving down here so I said she could stay with us until she finds a place.

Aja: Wait, she broke up with Jacob?!

Morgan: Yes girl! She told him she was pregnant then he just flipped out and told her to leave.

Aja: Are you fucking kidding me?! We should go beat his ass!

Morgan: I said that and she said she didn't wanna make things worse and just leave it alone.

Aja: Jacob's a bitch nigga.

Morgan: Agreed. Isn't that right Owen? *laughs*

She starts tickling him and he has an adorable little smile.

Aja: Aww let me see my nephew!

She hands him to me and I pinch his little cheeks and he smiles.

Morgan:*laughs* So Aja, when are you and Bryan gonna have kids?

Aja:*laughs* Not for a long, long time lol. Don't get me wrong I wanna have kids, I'm just not ready lol.

Morgan: Lol I understand.

I hang at Morgan's til 9 then I go home and eat and I decide to watch a movie to wait for Bryan. I end up falling asleep, but then I wake up at 12 when I hear someone walk through the door. Turns out it's Bryan.

Aja: Hey, I thought you were coming home at 10:30?

Bryan: Yea well we started kinda late so we had to stay longer.

Aja: Oh well that sucks, do wanna watch a movie or do something with me, I haven't seen you all day.

Bryan: Nah, I'm tired, goodnight Aja.

He kisses my cheek then heads upstairs. I really hate when he does that. Before he would always wanna hang out with me tired or not. Now he's acting all different now that we're married. I just hope work doesn't come between us.

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