How could you?! pt.2

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Bryan p.o.v.

I get to the studio and Patrick was the only one there so far. Gosh why the others gotta be late all the time! As soon as I walked in he started giving me dirty looks. Well I should probably attempt to break the awkwardness.

Bryan: How much more of the chorus do you have to record?

Patrick: *rolls eyes* a little.

Bryan: Well how much is a little?

Patrick: I think I know what a little is since I'm a dealer.

Bryan: Bro I'm sorry I said that ok, I was in the heat of the moment!

Patrick: No you're not, never would I get that mad and throw deep shit like that in your face. You need to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your shit.

I just stared blankly at him, this is not what I wanted to hear.

Patrick: You know what, record the damn song by yourself, I can't with your ass today.

Bryan: So you're just gonna walk out?

Patrick: Yup. Fuck you.

Well shit.


Patrick p.o.v.

I drive home because Bryan's getting on my damn nerves again, so I guess I'll just spend the day with my family.

Patrick: Morgan I'm home!

I walk in the kitchen and I barely dodged a plate she threw at my head.

Patrick: WHAT THE FUCK?!


Patrick: What are you talking about?!

Morgan: Don't play stupid Patrick! But then I let her stay in my house and this shit happens!

Patrick: Can you tell me what the fuck is happening because I'm lost!

Morgan: Aja told me everything! How you got another girl pregnant.

Patrick: WHAT THAT NEV gco


Then it came to me. Bryan, told Aja all his shit then lied on me. I'm killing this nigga.

Patrick: Baby none of it's true!

Morgan: Why should I believe that?

Patrick: Think about it when would I ever have time to cheat on you?! All I do is work then come home and spend time with you and Owen! Speaking of Owen, where is he?

Morgan: At my mom's where I'm going, look you can stay here with your new family I'm out.

She tries to walk out then I grab her arm.

Patrick: Listen to me for a second. Who told Aja all this bullshit, Bryan right?

Morgan: yea..

Patrick: Well he's been acting all shady and I know Aja's worrying so he probably told her that shit so he's in the clear. I would never do that to you and Owen and I hope you would know that!

Morgan: I can't do this.

Patrick: All this shit Bryan told you about me is his mess! He's Alex's baby mama and don't even want the damn kid!

Morgan: What?!

At this point I was too heated and I  needed to clear my head. And I know exactly where to go to do that..


Alex p.o.v.

I walk in the door then Patrick comes storming out the house. What the hell is wrong with him? I walk in the kitchen and I see Morgan balling her eyes out.

Alex: What happened with y'all?

Morgan: Alex who is your baby daddy?

Alex: WHAT?

Morgan: You heard what what said and just answer the damn question!

Guess I have to come clean now.

Alex: It's Bryan..

Morgan: Fuck.


Aja p.o.v.

I was getting everything ready for me and Bryan tonight. I made us some really good Italian food and I set the table all nice then I lit some candles. I got dressed in my little black dress and heels and I waited for him to come home.

Bryan: Aja I'm home!

I walked out the kitchen and gave him a hug.

Bryan: What's with all this?

Is he serious right now..

Aja: Did you really forget?

Bryan: Oh my bad, Happy Birthday!

Aja: It's our anniversary you dick!

Bryan: Oh shit. I'm sorry bab-gco

Aja: I don't wanna fucking here it! How could you forget?!

Then someone starts banging on the door and once I open it Patrick pushes me out the way and  lunges at Bryan and starts beating the shit out of him.


Love and WarNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ