A way to clear the air

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Aja p.o.v.

It's 9:30 and that nigga freckles still ain't home yet. I swear as soon as he walks through that door ima fix his ass. What the fuck is wrong with him?! Finally I hear him open the apartment door and I run out to the living room.

Aja: Where the hell have you been?!

Bryan: I told you I had to take care of some business.

Aja:*yelling* Nigga that's not answering my question! Now where the hell were you!?

Bryan:*yelling* Look Aja can we not talk about this right now!

Aja:*yelling* No were gonna fucking talk about it! These last couple weeks you've been ignoring me and not telling me shit! What the fuck is up with you?!


Bryan p.o.v.

I can't tell her, it will ruin everything. I made a mistake now everything's starting to bite me in the ass.

Bryan:*sigh* Look Aja I'm sorry I haven't been spending as much time with you like before, but a lot is happening in my career and gco

Aja: Wait so now work is more important than me?!

Bryan: No, it's not like that it's just we have a lot coming up and I just wanna do my best to provide for you, I love you Aja.

She looks at me with her arms folded and she rolls her eyes at me.

Aja: Let me know when your done telling me bullshit.

Bryan: Aja gco

Aja: I don't wanna hear it Bryan!

Bryan: Aja please just gco


Bryan: You know forget it.

Aja: Fine then, bitch nigga.

Bryan: What!

Before I could react she slams the door in my face. Dammit!


Aja p.o.v.

*next morning*

Bryan fucking pissed me off last night. Why can't he just tell me what's going on. Either way I'm gonna find out one way or another. I get up and get dressed then I get ready to leave because I'm not staying here with him today. I go in the kitchen to grab a banana and he's making bacon.

Bryan: Good morning


Bryan: Oh so now you can't speak.

I ignore him and get my stuff because I know it'll piss him off. I was on my way out the door then he grabs my arm.

Aja: Get the fuck off me freckles!

Bryan: No were gonna resolve our issues, you can't just run away from our problems!

Aja: Oh so now you wanna talk?! Bryan I don't wanna hear it. Now get the fuck off me. I snatch my arm away and slam the door. He's such a bitch. I get in the car and head to Morgan's house to cool down.

Knock knock

Morgan: Here I come!

*opens door*

Morgan: Aja, what are you doing here?

Aja: Bryan pissed me off last night, now  he wants to talk to me and I don't wanna hear it.

Morgan: Damn, here come inside.

We walk in and go in the living room to talk.

Morgan: What did he do?

Aja: That's the problem I don't know what he's doing. He's been ignoring these past few weeks and hasn't been telling me shit.

Morgan: Aja I hate to say it, but it sounds like he's cheating..

Aja: He says he's caught up with work and stuff, but I think he might be too. I don't wanna believe it, but I think so.

Morgan: It just doesn't make sense I mean Bryan loves you too much.

Aja: I know, I wanna find out what's going on, but now I'm kinda scared to know the truth.

Then Kacey walks down the stairs looking like a zombie.

Morgan: What happened to you lol, rough night?

Kacey: I didn't really get much sleep.

Aja: Why, by the way what happened to you yesterday?

Kacey: Oh, I had to go talk to a real estate agent about this place I saw.

Aja: Ohh.

She walks into the kitchen and starts making breakfast.

Morgan: So I have an idea.

Aja: Ok what is it?

Morgan: Why don't you just have dinner with Bryan on Saturday and you just tell him about how you've been feeling and maybe he'll tell you what's going in since it's bothering you.

Aja: Morgan, if I cook for him anytime soon I think I'm gonna have the urge to poison him.

Morgan:*laughs* Chill Aja, if you want we can all just have dinner here and then maybe you guys will be in a better mood to talk.

Aja: Hmm, I don't know..

Morgan: Come on! It'll be fun, besides I'll invite his brothers and their girls too, besides Kacey can finally meet everyone.

Aja: Fine I guess.

Morgan: *smiles*Yes! This is gonna be fun.

Kacey walks out of the kitchen with a glass of orange juice.

Kacey: Ooo what's gonna be fun?

Morgan: Dinner Saturday night, everyone's gonna come over, so you can finally meet our little clan lol.

Kacey: That does fun lol.

Aja: Well I guess I'll go tell him the great news *fake smiles*

Morgan: Don't worry it'll be fine Aja.

Aja: yea,yea, yea, bye bae.

Morgan:*laughs* bye Aja.

I drive home and I see Bryan's sitting on the couch watching t.v.

Aja: Hi.

Bryan: Hi.

Aja: Look I'm sorry I stormed off this morning, you really pissed me off. Why can't you just tell me what's wrong Bryan? We're in this together, through thick and thin, I'm here for you.

Bryan:*sigh* I don't wanna hurt you Aja, but slowly I am.

Aja: Wait, what are you talking about?

Bryan: Nothing, look everything's gonna be fine. Look I gotta get out of here.

Aja: Wait, Morgan's having this dinner Saturday and she wants all of us to go!

Bryan: Alright I'll be there I promise. I love you.

He kisses my cheek then walks out the door. What the hell did he mean saying "I don't wanna hurt you." Bryan is really starting to fuck with my head.

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