Step up

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Alex p.o.v.

Aja really worked my nerves this morning. Why the hell is she just gonna blame me for having Bryan cheat on her. The nerve of that girl. I leave the hospital and I go to grab some vitamins along with some other stuff from Walmart. I walk past the bakery and I notice a familiar face. Bryan? He looked up after looking at some muffins then I walked straight up to him. I have a few things to get off my chest.

Alex: So what brings you to Walmart today Bryan? Shopping for kids? Oh wait, I forgot you're a dead beat.

Bryan: Alex could you not do this right now, please.

Alex: Why not now? There's not a better time than the present.

Bryan: Alright what do you want from me?

Alex: I don't want shit from you asshole. After the way you treated me you can go to hell.

Bryan: So you came to tell me how much you hate me?

Alex: Actually no. You might not want anything to do with me or my child, and that's fine, but you damn sure need to be there for Aja.

Bryan: Look I really don't wanna talk about things between me and her with you.

Alex: Too bad, you're gonna listen to what I have to say. If you don't wanna be here for me that's fine, I don't need you, but Aja does. You crushed her Bryan. You were her everything then you fucked her over. It's bad enough she tried to kill herself now she's pregnant and you're just gonna leave her? She's your fucking wife!

He kept his head down and stared at the floor.


He looks at me and I could see tears in his eyes.

Alex: You need to fucking step up and be there for her. She's already stressed out and now her baby might not make it. You should at least be there for one of your kids Bryan!

Bryan: Have you ever thought that Aja doesn't wanna see me?! Last time I saw her she kicked me the fuck out.

Alex: She probably kicked you out because she thought you didn't care! You gotta fight for what you want Bryan and right now you ain't doing shit. Step up and be a man.

Then I paid for my stuff and left him standing there.


Bryan p.o.v.

I can't believe Alex. She was right though I should be there for Aja. I gotta make things right, but I know she wants nothing to do with me. I leave Walmart and I head back to Nina's place and that Jacob guy lets me in.

Bryan: Hey thanks man, where's Nina?

Jacob: She's getting dressed. Why are here anyway?

Bryan: Well she kinda helped me out when I got injured, and she let me stay here.

Jacob: Don't be trying no funny business, you already fucked up me and Alex.

Bryan: Wait, you're Alex's Jacob?!

Jacob: Took you long enough dumb ass! I can't believe you told her to get an abortion, Nina should just left your ass on the street.

Then it all started making sense. Jacob's the one who attacked me that night.

Bryan: Nigga you almost killed me that night!

Jacob: You deserved it, all you seem to do is hurt people so why not get a taste of your own medicine?

Bryan: I haven't done shit to you! And what ever is happening between me and Alex ain't none of your got damn business!

Jacob: Like hell it ain't! She was staying in my house and ended up cheating on me with you! You ain't shit Bryan!

I lunged at him and we fell and broke the coffee table.

Jacob: Get the fuck off me bitch!

He gets on top of me and starts choking me.Then Nina comes running out her room.


She pulls Jacob off of me and helps me up.

Nina: What the hell happened?!

Bryan: Nothing, I was just leaving.

Jacob: Yea I think that's a great idea.

Bryan: Bruh shut the fuck up.

Jacob: Nigga I'll come over there and fuck yo lil ass up again.

I give him the finger then I get my stuff.

Bryan: Thanks again Nina.

Nina: Here let me walk you out.

She walks me out to the lobby of her apartment building.

Nina: Now what the hell was that Bryan?

Bryan: Your boyfriend's a control freak Nina, I'd be careful if I was you.

Nina: Wait what are you talking about?

Bryan: You know what ask him, I'm through with this shit.

Then I just walked away going God knows where.


Aja p.o.v.

I was trying relax after what had happened between me and Alex today and doesn't this bitch show up again.

Aja: What do you want hoe?

Alex: Can we not do this Aja, I came to apologize.

Aja: You can keep your stank apology.

Alex: So your not even gonna listen to what I have to say?

Aja: Nope.

Alex: Alright so I guess I won't tell you about my run in with Bryan.

Aja: Bish Whet?

Alex: Nope, I'm leaving I know when I'm not wanted.

This damn Alex.

Aja:*sigh* Alex wait, I'm sorry I'm sorry for being rude. Please tell me what you have to say.

Alex: Well first I'm sorry for going in on you. You're going through a lot and I shouldn't have been so harsh.

Aja:*sigh* Not all of it's your fault, you were telling me the truth and I guess I couldn't handle it so I just blamed you for everything.

Alex: Yea that sounds about right *laughs*

Aja:*smiles* Shut up. So what happened with Bryan today?

Alex: Well I saw him in Walmart today and I let him have it.

Aja: Ooo what did you say?

Alex: I told him it's fine if he doesn't wanna be there for me and I don't need him, but he needs to be here for you.

Aja: That's sweet Alex but I really don't want anything to do with him right now.

Alex: I get it Aja, but you need to make him step up and respect you, after all you are his wife.

Aja: Yea, I don't think I want to be anymore. There's just too much pain.

Alex: You gotta push through the pain to get what you want Aja. Don't you wanna be happy again?

Aja: I do, but seeing him just opens up my wounds again.

Alex: Aja you have to forgive not for him, but for you. I know it's hard but it's the best way to put you at piece. Staying angry isn't gonna fix things.

I sat there for a moment taking in Alex's words. She was preaching some real shit. I just don't know how I can bring myself to look Bryan in the face and say "I forgive you" after all this shit. This nigga is taking me through it!

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