I don't want your stank love

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Alex p.o.v.

I finish helping with the dishes then I head to the diner to meet Jacob. I just hope he doesn't flip out. I walk inside and he's sitting there waiting for me.

Jacob: I'm glad you showed up, now can you please tell me why you ran away.

Alex: It's complicated ok.

Jacob: So, I'm here for you.

Alex: I'm pregnant.

Jacob: You told me this already, so what's the real reason?!

Alex:I really don't wanna gco

Jacob: Tell me!!

Alex: The baby isn't yours..

He stared back at me with a blank look on his face, then I saw all the anger build up in his face..

Jacob: What the fuck do you mean it isn't mine?

Alex: Look I'm sorry it was a mistake and gco

Jacob: You were cheating on me while I was on tour?!?

Alex: Well you never paid any attention to me while you were home!

Jacob: You know I had to work! How could you do this to me?! I loved and trusted you.

Alex: Well you know what, I don't want your stank love, you were never home with me, for all I know you could been all these other hoes!

Jacob: Alex please gco

Alex: I'm done talking to you!

I got up and headed to the door.

Jacob: Well I'm not finished with you!

Alex: Fuck off!

I don't need him or Bryan, I'll be fine doing this on my own.


Aja p.o.v.

*next morning*

I wake up when I hear Bryan getting out the shower. All I remember from last night is we were arguing then stuff happened. He can't keep stalling forever. Finally, he walks out the bathroom in his towel with his abs dripping with water. Dammit Aja stay focused.

Bryan: goodmorning babe.

Aja: goodmorning, where are you going this early?

Bryan: Work, it won't take that long though I promise.

Aja: Bryan we still need to talk abo gco by kiss

Bryan: *breaks kiss* Look I promise I'll spend some time with you when I get back, just be patient with me please.

He hurries up and gets dressed then heads out the door. This nigga is getting under my skin..


Bryan p.o.v.

I get dressed then I sit in my car and call Alex.

*phone convo*

Alex: hello?

Bryan: get dressed, I'm picking you up.

Alex: Why, what do you want?

Bryan: Look we still need to talk so just get dressed ok.

Alex: alright fine.

*end of phone convo*

By the time I pulled up to Patrick's house Alex was ready then got in.

Alex: So what do you want Bryan?

Bryan: Look, hooking up with you was one of the biggest mistakes I've made and I can't keep hiding this from Aja.

Alex: Might I remind you, you told me you were single so..

Bryan: Whatever, the point is I can't do this.

Alex: Do what?

Bryan: I can't be a father right now.

Alex: Excuse me?

Bryan: I think you should have an abortion..

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