Lost a few battles, Won the War

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Aja p.o.v.

I was sitting with Morgan waiting for an update on either Alex or Owen. I've tried calling Bryan like 10 times and I still have yet to get an answer and Patrick hasn't called us or answered our calls. I don't know how much of this craziness I can take. Then Morgan's phone starts to ring.

Morgan's side of the convo: Hello.. yes.. um ok.. what how.. is he ok..thank god.. Ok I'll meet you out front, bye.

Aja: Well was it?!

Morgan: It was some girl named Nina, she said she was a friend of Bryan and Patrick anyways she said Patrick needed her to take Owen for him so she's bringing him now.

Aja: Thank God one of them is ok. But wait where are the guys at then..

Morgan: I don't know, but I'm going to get my child.

She leaves my room and goes to get Owen. I try calling Bryan again and I still don't get an answer. What the hell is going on? Then the nurse comes in and tells me Alex is awake so I go and check on her.

Aja: Hey , how do you feel?

Alex: My head hurts like hell, but other than that I'm fine. Is Owen ok?

Aja: Yea Patrick and Bryan ended up finding him.

Alex: Speaking of them, where are they?

Aja: I don't know I've called like 20 times and nothing.

Then all of a sudden Patrick comes running into the room all sweaty with blood on him.

Aja: Thank God you're ok! But wait, where's Bryan?

Patrick: Well um Aja, I don't know how to tell you this.

Aja: Well what do you have to tell me?

He puts his head down and sighs.

Patrick: Aja *sigh*, Bryan got shot.

Alex: Oh my God!

When he said that my mind went completly blank for a minute then I began to process what he said.

Aja:*tearing up* Wha, What?

Patrick: I went to go help him kill Jacob, but Bryan had already shot him so we thought he was dead, but he wasn't and he shot Bryan then I shot Jacob.

Aja: *crying* But, he's ok right?

Patrick: Aja I really don't know at this point, he was starting to go out of it before the ambulance came.

I didn't wanna hear anymore so I ran out the room. This can't be happening right now, this has to be a bad dream. I refuse to believe Bryan got shot and could possibly be dead right now. I run down the hall and i see them rolling a guy into surgery. Please tell it's not Bryan. I  got closer and it was him. He had blood everywhere and looked lifeless. I couldn't take it anymore so I just broke down in the hallway. I let it all out not caring who was watching me.


Nurses came running towards me to calm me down, but I just wanted to lay there outside those doors of the surgery room. The whole time I just cried out Bryan's name as they carried me back to my room. Nothing would hurt more than loosing Bryan. I lay in bed and they tie me down so I can't have anymore tantrums. I need to see him, I won't rest until I know he's ok.


Patrick p.o.v.

Once I told Aja the bad news she ran out the room. I can't imagine her pain right now she's been through way too much. Everyone else came up to check on Alex and we gave Aja sometime to herself.

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