Love is like a battlefield

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Patrick p.o.v.

Patrick: So did you have a nice time at dinner?

Morgan: Yea, it was nice to get out, although I did miss Owen lol.

Patrick: You're with him all the time lol.

Morgan: I know, but he's my baby, I love him lol.

Patrick: I'm sure he's fine after a couple hours away from mommy dearest lol.

Morgan: Lol shut up, your just mad because he likes me better.

Patrick: Please, Owen is my lil nigga.

Morgan:*laughing* whatever.

We get out the car and walk inside.

Morgan: Alex we're back!

She doesn't answer for some reason.

Patrick: Yo Alex!

Morgan: Maybe she's upstairs asleep.

Morgan goes upstairs looking for Alex and I look in Owen in his play pen, but he's not there. Maybe he's upstairs too.


I dash up the stairs in panic and I run to Owen's room.

Patrick:OH SHIT!

Morgan:*tearing up* She's not dead is she?!?!

I bend down and I feel her neck for a pulse. Thank God she still has one.

Patrick:She still has a pulse, she's just knocked out. Come help me get her downstairs for the ambulance.

Morgan: But wait, if Alex is here then where the hell is Owen?

Patrick: Fuck! Call the cops.

I carry Alex down the stairs and lay her on the couch. I notice a big bump on her head. Dammit! Someone must've hurt her then took Owen.

Morgan: The ambulance is on the way, but they told me Owen has to be missing longer in order for them to help us.

Patrick: Bullshit! I'm finding him on my own then!

I ran out to the garage and I grabbed two guns. I'm getting my son back, but I'm gonna need some help.


Bryan p.o.v.

I was taking a nap then I heard someone knocking on my door.

Bryan: I'm coming!

I open the door and I was kinda shocked at who it was.

Bryan: Nina?

Nina:*sniffles* Yea it's me.

Bryan: Are you ok?

Nina: I don't know.

Now I'm starting to worry.

Bryan: Here come inside.

I let her in and we sit on the couch.

Bryan: What are you doing here?

Nina:*tearing up* It's.. It's Jacob.

Bryan: What happened?

Nina: Well once you left I tried to figure out what why you guys were fighting and he like refused to talk to me so I told to leave and he just blacked out on me. Next thing I know I'm on the floor and I had no idea where he was. I tried calling for help, but then he came from behind me and striked again. This time I put up a fight and got away. But there's something else that's bothering me more..

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