Hey girl!

436 19 6

Morgan p.o.v.

I get up early and make breakfast for everyone while Patrick heads to the airport to pick up Kacey. This should be fun having one of my best friends stay with me for awhile. Maybe I can finally get the full story on why Jacob left her..


Kacey p.o.v.

*phone convo*

Kacey: Look I told you I have to go.

M/V: Well when can I see you?

Kacey: You told me to leave you alone so I'm doing just that.

M/V: Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it.

Kacey: Yes you did. Look I have to go my ride is here.

M/V: Alright, I'll see you soon.

*end of phone convo*

Patrick pulls up and helps me get my stuff into the car.

Patrick: Kacey it's been forever, how have you been?

Kacey: I'm good, I'm pregnant, but I'm good.

Patrick: Wait, you're pregnant?!

Kacey: Yea, 6 weeks.

Patrick: Oh, Morgan forgot to tell me that one detail..

Kacey:*laughs* Is that gonna be a problem?

Patrick: Nah it's cool I just wish I didn't find out at the last minute.

Kacey: I understand.

We pack all my stuff into the car and we pull up to the house. Their house is really nice! Nice long drive way and a little garden in the front. Patrick takes my bags then opens the door for me then I run to the kitchen and there's Morgan making breakfast.

Morgan: Kacey!!!

Kacey: Hey bew!!

Morgan: Oh my gosh it's been too long! Here let me show you your room!

She takes me upstairs and leads me to my room where all my bags where. My room is sweet! I got a king size bed, flat screen, plus a walk in closet!

Kacey: This is really nice, thanks again girl!

Morgan: *smiles*No problem, make yourself at home.

Kacey:*smiles* So where's your son at?

Morgan: Oh he's still sleeping, do wanna see him?

Kacey: Hell yea!

We walk down the hall and she opens the door to Owen's nursery, we walk over to his crib and he's still sleeping.

Kacey:*whispers* Aww he's so cute!

Morgan: *smiles* thank you, come on I made food and you should probably get some before Patrick eats it all lol.

Kacey: Lol you right.


Aja p.o.v.

I wake up when I hear Bryan shutting all these drawers.

Aja: Why the hell are you up this early making noise?!

Bryan: Sorry, I gotta go take care of some business.

Aja: Like what?!

Bryan: It's nothing, I'll be back later.

Aja: Bryan what are you not telling me..

Bryan: Chill Aja, it's all good.

Before I could say anything else he kisses me then walks out the door. Bitch. It's not even 7 and I'm already pissed. I look at my phone and I see Morgan texted me saying Kacey's here. Looks like I'm spending the day with them. I get dressed in some shorts and a T-shirt then head to Morgan's house. I knock on the door and Patrick let's me in.

Aja: Hey Patrick, where are they?

Patrick: *attitude * They're in the kitchen.

Aja: What's wrong with you lol?

Patrick: I'm tired, I had to get up at 5 in the morning and ever since then I've been hearing Kacey's annoying ass laugh.

Aja: *laughing * You'll be alright cranky, go take a nap, oh yea and you should take that pole outta your ass while your at it lol.

Patrick:*laughs* Shut up Aja.

Patrick goes upstairs and I walk in the kitchen with Morgan and Kacey.

Aja: Wassup bitches!

Kacey: Aja!

Aja: Kacey!

Kacey: Oh my gosh I missed you!!

Aja: I missed you too! So tell me, how far along are you?

Kacey:*smiles* 6 weeks

Aja: Awe cute!

Kacey: Yea I know I'm so excited!

Morgan: So Kacey you never did tell us the full story on you and Jacob.

I looked at Kacey and her whole face changed.

Kacey: Can we uh, not talk about this right now?

Morgan: Oh, it's that bad huh?

Kacey: Yea I'd just rather not talk about it.

Morgan: I'm sorry I didn't mean gco

Kacey: It's ok, look I gotta run, but I'll be back in a few. Bye guys.

Kacey leaves the kitchen then slams the front door.

Aja: So what the hell is she hiding?

Morgan: I don't know, but I know we're gonna find out.


Kacey p.o.v.

I'm kinda mad that Morgan keeps questioning me about Jacob, but then again I can't really be mad that she's concerned, but still. I walk to the bus stop and catch the bus downtown to the diner. I get a booth and sit down and wait. I look at my phone and it's a text from Jacob ugh.

*text convo*

Jacob: We need to talk.

Kacey: I already told you everything, there's nothing else to say.

Jacob: Well I never got to told you how I felt, you just got up and left.

Kacey: I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

Jacob: No, I'm gonna find you and we're gonna talk!

Kacey: No, now bye nigga.

*end of text convo*

I hate having to keep bring up the Jacob situation, but the more I ignore it, the worse things get. I look from my phone and I see the person I've been waiting for has finally arrived.

Kacey: *smiles* Hey Bryan.

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