Breaking down

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Aja p.o.v.

I didn't know what to feel when she told me I was pregnant. I wasn't ready, but since it's happening I have no choice but to be ready.

Aja: Wait, how far along am I?!

Morgan: Aja she said you're 6 weeks.

Aja: Damn. Wait is my baby ok since you know, I almost died!

Morgan: The nurse said it has a real slim chance if making it..

I just broke down. I just found I'm pregnant like 2 minutes ago now my kid might not make it and it's all my fault.

Aja:*crying* Where the hell is Bryan at!

Morgan: We don't know Aja, we called him countless times and left tons of messages. I'm sorry.

I can't believe this shit! Where the hell is he that he can't answer his damn phone!

Aja: *crying* Can you guys just leave please, I wanna be alone for awhile.

They all nod their heads then walk out my room. Once I was alone I just let everything out. My hot tears fell down my cheeks as I sobbed loudly in my bed. Finally, I got myself together then I reached in my purse and grabbed my phone. I had like 20 missed calls from Bryan and 1 message. Now I was really starting to worry. I dialed his number and I didn't get an answer so I left him a message.

Aja: Bryan it's me, I really do hate you right now, but at the same time I need you now more than ever. What ever the hell your doing could you find time to see me because I'm not doing so great, I- I'm in the hospital..

I hung up hoping that'll make him get here faster. I cleared my call log then I listened to his message. I started balling my eyes out as I listened to his gentle voice. I can hear all the pain and sadness in his voice. This message was just breaking my heart even more.


Bryan p.o.v.

I was at Nina's place all alone when she went out with her boyfriend. I sat on the couch in silence thinking about how I fucked up my own life. Why did I have to cheat on Aja. Better yet why the hell did I tell Alex to get an abortion? I feel like shit now. I lied down then looked at my phone and saw a missed call from Aja. She probably called to cuss me out. I saw she left a message so I prepared my ears for all the names she was gonna call me. To my surprise she called because she's in the hospital. All this worry just jumped inside me. What happened to her? Is she gonna be ok? I rushed out the door and I took a cab to the hospital. Please let everything be ok.


Aja p.o.v.

I was on my way to sleep when I heard footsteps walk into my room. I figured it was just the nurse so I didn't really care. They got closer and closer to my bed and I could feel them staring at me. Can this bitch back up a few feet like damn I'm still alive! Then finally their lips touched my cheek. Ok now they're doing too much.

Aja: who the fuck..

I open my eyes and it was Bryan standing over me. I was frozen and didn't know to say.

Bryan: I got your message and came as soon I heard it.

I just stared back him at a lost for words. I really didn't know what to do since I was feeling mad, upset, scared, and every other emotion I could think of.

Bryan: What happened to you?

I just looked at him then I showed him the big scar on my wrist.

Bryan:*tears up* Baby you didn't..

I just broke down and started crying all over again.

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