Making amends

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Bryan p.o.v.

I wandered down the sidewalk caught up in my thoughts. Damn I can't believe I caused all this shit! I lost everyone and everything in my life since I didn't give a fuck about anyone but myself. Most importantly I broke Aja's heart. How could I crush the woman I love like that. I gotta fix things and get her back. I don't think she'll forgive me, but it's worth a try. I catch a cab and head back to me and Aja's apartment. I use the spare key and I let myself in. I walk inside and the place is just how we left it the night things blew up. Broken lamp on the floor, furniture out of place, and a carton of ice cream and a nutella jar on the couch. Aja and her nutella. I smiled at the thought of her in my head. God knows how much I love her. I start wandering around and just take in every detail in our place. Thinking about all the fun times I've had with her here. The day we moved in, her surprise birthday party I threw for her, the first time we made love, and our first argument. I get over by the t.v. and I see something small in the corner shimmering in the light. I walk over and I pick it up. It was her wedding ring. I held it in the palm of my hand as tears welled into my eyes. I really fucked up. I kiss her ring then I stick it in my back pocket. I go to the bathroom to fix myself up, but I stopped in the doorway as I saw all this dried blood on the floor.

Bryan: Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.

There was a bloody razor sitting on the blood and I can just imagine what Aja did to herself that night. Feeling so hurt like your whole world came crumbling down on you, like your worthless and no one loves you. I broke down crying at the thought of her hurting herself. God how could I do this to her. I grab my car keys on the counter and I drive off to the hospital. I ran at least 2 lights on my way there, but I didn't care. I had to see Aja. I ran inside the hospital and headed straight to her room. I stood in her doorway as she began to wake up.

Aja: Bryan? What are you doing her-

I cut her off as I slam my lips against hers. We kissed for awhile as our lips were in sync.

Bryan:*breaks kiss* Baby before you yell at me just hear me out. I fucked up so much these last few weeks and saying sorry to you can never make up for the way I've treated you. I hurt you so bad to the point that you didn't even wanna be here and I don't know where I'd be without you in my life. Aja you're my everything and I sure as hell don't wanna lose you. I'm down on my knees begging you, can you please forgive me?

She looks down for a minute then her eyes meet mine.

Aja:*sighs*Bryan you put me through hell these past few weeks. I was hurt so bad to the point I didn't wanna live to take this pain. I wanted nothing to do with you, but at the same time I wanted you by my side. I don't think I can ever let you go.

Bryan: So you forgive me?

Aja: *smiles* Of course I do. I love you, you little shit.

Bryan:*laughs* I love you too my little banana.

I get on the bed with her and cuddle up with her.

Bryan: So how's our baby doing?

Aja: It's doing fine actually I just gotta keep taking all these vitamins and crap. Wait, did you say "our" baby?

Bryan:*smiles* I did. I wanna be there for both of you. I'm not gonna be known as a dead beat.

Aja:*smiles* I love you.

She kisses me and I watch t.v. with her til she falls asleep. I kiss her cheek then I close her door. Now all I gotta do is make things right with Patrick. This isn't gonna be easy. I pull up to his house and before I could even knock the door flys open. He rolls his eyes once he sees my face.

Patrick: What do you want Bryan?

Bryan: Look man I came here to apologize.

Patrick: I don't want hear this right now.

Bryan: Come on Patrick can't you just forgive me, look over these past few weeks everyone has been against me and pretty on the verge of hating me. What I did to you was really messed up and a complete bitch move. Are we good man?

Patrick: Bryan I don't think I can get over it that easy. I give you props for apologizing, but I don't really wanna talk about this now. Look I gotta go now Morgan's waiting for me in the car.

Bryan: Wait is Alex here, I gotta talk to her too.

Patrick: She's inside babysitting for me, go ahead in.

Patrick brushes past me then drives off with Morgan. I walk inside and shut the door behind me. I walk in the living room and she's rocking Owen to sleep.

Bryan: Hey Alex.

She turns around and she rolls her eyes.

Alex: Hey.

Bryan: Can we talk?

Alex: What else is there to talk about?

Bryan: Look I came to apologize to you. I should have never shut you out like that and ran away from my responsibility. Most importantly, I sorry I told you to get an abortion, that was really crossing the line.

Alex: Look I'm over it, I'll be fine taking care of my baby alone.

Bryan: That's another thing I wanted to talk to you about. I've had a lot of time to think over these past weeks and I wanna be there for our baby. We might not have a relationship, but our child deserves to have their father in their life. I'll pay child support and all Alex, I just wanna make things right.

Her face changes and she actually cracks a little smile.

Alex:*smiles* I'm so glad you've actually grown up and taking responsibility Bryan.

Bryan:*smiles* So are we good?

Alex: Yes we're good, just don't fall behind in your child support. *laughs*

Bryan: *laughs* I won't I promise.

After I apologized to Alex I go home and I lay in my own bed after what seems like forever.


Alex p.o.v.

After Bryan left I put Owen upstairs in his crib then I chilled and watched t.v. for an hour then I heard someone knock on the door.

Alex: Here I come!

I open the front door and no one's there. Probably some bad ass kids playing ding ditch. I sit back on the couch then I hear some noise coming from the patio door. What the hell? I walk towards the door then someone dressed in all black with a mask on busts through the door and pushes me out the way.


They start running up the stairs and I chase after them. I grab one of their legs and they fall down. I throw a punch at them, and they throw one 10x harder and I fall down the stairs. Shit! They run up the stairs towards Owen's room. I run up the stairs and I can hear Owen crying. I bust open the door and jump on them. I wrestle them too the ground and I try and lift up their mask, but then all of a sudden I feel I rush of pain in my body as a hard object hits me in the head. I feel myself getting weak and I can't move. My vision starts to get  blurry and my head is pounding. I hear Owen's faint cries as everything I see goes black.

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