Let me help you

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Alex p.o.v.

So since Bryan dropped me off at some random gas station I had no choice but to call Jacob. I'm surprises he actually came after the way I treated him.

*In the car*

Jacob: So how exactly did you end up here again?

Alex: It's a long story.

Jacob: Well I wanna hear it.

Alex: Can we not do this now please.

Jacob: Well when the hell are we because you can't keep putting this off!

Alex: I don't wanna fucking talk about it!

The rest of the car ride was silent until we pulled up to his house.

Alex: Why are we here, why couldn't you just take me home?

Jacob: Can you just stay for awhile and have an adult conversation with me without having a fit every time?

I guess he's right I do shut him out every time he wants to talk.

Alex: Alright fine.

We go inside and his place is pretty nice. We walk in the living room and sit on the couch.

Jacob: So when exactly did you start seeing other dudes while you were with me?

Alex: It was when you were on tour, besides you never made time for me so I figured you didn't care. Now you find out I'm having a baby and all of a sudden I become important?

Jacob: I'm sorry Alex, you know how busy I can be, but I wanna be there for you.

Alex: No I don't need you or Bryan I can do this on my own.

Jacob: Who's Bryan?

Alex: The baby's father..

Jacob: So he's the nigga you cheated on me with?! Is that much better than me huh?

Alex: No not really, he doesn't even want me to have it.

Jacob: So you mean..

Alex: Yes, he wanted me to have an abortion.

Jacob: Oh hell no, I won't let you!

Alex: I'm not going to, but it hurts that he doesn't even wanna be there for his kid!

At this point I just broke down and I let my tears flow. Jacob pulls me into a hug to comfort me.

Jacob: Alex it's gonna be ok, as much as you push me away I'm not leaving you.

Alex: Thanks, but it's not your responsibility, Bryan has to step up to the plate.

Jacob: Fuck Bryan! He ain't shit! Don't worry he'll get what's coming to his crazy ass.

Now I'm starting to worry. This is exactly why I didn't want to tell Jacob, he always finds a way to take matters into his own hands..


Aja p.o.v.

I was just chilling on the couch watching a movie then freckles bursts through the door all mad and shit.

Aja: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Bryan: I just have a lot on my mind right now ok, can you just leave me alone, please?

Aja: Well jeez, who stuck a pole up your ass!

Bryan: Aja, I'm not in the mood!

Aja: Bryan why can't you tell me what's going on with you? What are you hiding from me?

He looks at me and his eyes start to water.

Bryan: You want to know what's going on?

Aja: Yes, just tell me already!

Bryan: Alright, I'll tell you..

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