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My dad stood in front of me, hand raised and eyes blazing with restrained anger, "God fucking Dammit Eren, why the fuck did you do this" he pointed his hand to the broken glass on the floor, tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried desperately to apologize to the furious man before me. "You're so fucking useless" I stutter out a sob as I look desperately into his eyes, trying to show him that I was sorry. "I-I-I'm s-sorry d-dad" I managed to choke out through my sobs, *SLAP* my tears stopped and my cheek stung, I looked at my dad in disbelief, why did he do that? He's been mad but never has he done that. Never. "You're no son of mine" and with that my dad walked away, not looking back at his now sobbing son. The scenery changed and suddenly I was back in my teenage room, someone was hammering on my poster infested door trying to get in. "Open the fucking door right now Eren or I swear to god." a sudden idiotic burst of confidence rushed through my bruised body "What are you gonna do if I don't, what the fuck are you gonna do Dad? Hit me? Oh well that's original, clap and a half for you're originality, really well done." as the last word left my mouth, the regret washed over me and the knocking stopped, I wasn't going to fool myself, he'd never stop. My heart hammered against my chest as I strained to hear what my 'dad' was doing. Suddenly, a loud crash resounded in my ears and I was forced to the floor. The mass on top of me turned out to be my beyond drunk dad and my heart stopped as I met his eyes, a smirk appearing on his twisted face. Before I could react he had me pinned to the floor and punches began raining down on me, each one sending a blast of pain through my body "I'M. NOT. JUST. GOING. TO. HIT. YOU. THIS. TIME." after each word a hit would land on my battered body, I could barely comprehend what he had just said before he had his hands around my neck. "IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT THAT SHE'S GONE. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO BE AROUND A DISGRACE LIKE YOU" his scream echoed through my head, his words hurting more than any physical pain could. My vision started to blur, and the fight left my body as I went limp in my fathers hands. 

I sat up in bed, tears mixing with sweat streamed down my paling face, harsh sobs escaping my lips as the dream crashed back into my memory. My hands flew up to grasp desperately at my hair trying to calm myself by rocking slowly back and forth. "What the fuck Eren?" my room mates silky voice reached my ears and I jumped in surprise and at his tone. Strangled noises excited my mouth as I tried to reply. Sudden contact made me flinch away as strong arms en-capitulated my frail and shaking body,  "Eren, it's just me." his soft voice tickled my ear as he stayed in the embrace, his hands trailing down and up across my back in a soothing motion. I relax, if only a little, in his arms and allow myself to cry, him not moving all the time I did. 

Minutes, that felt more like hours, passed until he let go of me as my tears stopped and sobs died down. He flicked on my desk lamp and removed my hands from my aching eyes. "Eren, what happened?" his silver eyes clashed with mine in an explosion of unsaid emotions, "It was just a nightmare, I'm sorry I woke you." I looked away from his worried and tired eyes and focused on my shaking eyes. He sighed deeply and I felt instant guilt at waking him and possibly putting him into a bad mood, "I'm sorry Eren but that is utter bullshit, 'just' a nightmare doesn't make you scream and cry your eyes and heart out. Listen I get if you don't want to talk about it but just say that, don't try to lie to me. We've only been room mates for half a year, but I can still tell when you're lying."  I hung my head in guilt, "I'm sorry Levi" I don't look up until a strong hand forces my chin up to make eye contact with the raven-haired, his steely eyes boring into mine. "Please stop apologizing, whatever the dream was about just know that whenever, if ever, you are ready to tell me I'm here for you." I smile softly at how much emotion my normally stoic room mate was being. "Thank you" I whisper, a soft dusting of blush settling on my cheeks as his warm gaze stayed fixed on my face. "Always Brat." 

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