Until Death

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Authors Note: Okay so this idea was actually given to me by my friend ereriisfab so I don't take full credit for the idea. Enjoy!

The thing with having a best friend is that you won't do anything to hurt them, even if that means you never tell them how you feel. Levi had been my best friend since before I can remember, we grew up in the same neighborhood and practically did everything together, swimming classes all the way to simple family vacations, he was always there, by my side. Eventually the feelings changed, I had started to like him in ways I knew I could never express. I had grown accustom to those feelings, I've learnt how to live with them, learnt how to have that constant aching in my chest whenever I'm around him.  

Today was December 3rd, only 22 days away from Levi's  16th birthday and I was already freaking out about what to get him, he would never say what he wanted so I always had to make a gander at what the hell he wanted. My phone buzzed next to my head in bed, I picked up the black phone to see I had gotten a text from Levi,

From Levi:

Wanna do something? 

To Levi:

Don't you have homework to do?

From Levi:

No shit smart ass. Do you want to do something or not?

To Levi:

Why the fuck not. I'll meet you by the tree. 

I heaved myself out of bed with a smile etched on my face, I always seemed to be smiling around him. I threw on a black hoodie and pulled on my shoes before heading out the door towards the big oak tree at the crossroads. As I walked up to it I saw Levi coming from the other side, I waved to him and he just nodded his head at me. 

"What you're too cool for waving now?" I teased as I walked up to him, he just focused me with his typical bitch stare,

"Hell yeah I am, the fuck you gonna do about it." I grinned as I saw him pretending to be a typical white bitch. 

"Where are we going love?" He just smirks at the nickname and starts to walk down the pavement, me following suit. 

"Guess you'll have to see when we get there won't you darling." I laugh slightly at his sarcastic tone. We continue walking down the pavement until it forks off into a gravel path, we follow it until we get to a small clearing with trees all around us. Suddenly a spark of recognition flares in my eyes, 

"It's where we built the tree house?!" I look around in awe, memories swirling through my head as I start to walk to where we had built our tree house as kids. I can't believe I'd forgotten about it. Levi waked up behind me and pinched my sides, scaring me shitless. I tried to get my breath back but I couldn't, it was as if my lungs had closed up, as if my chest was being forcefully pressed down. A muted groan left my lips as I fell to the floor, hands clutching my chest, small gasps escaped my mouth as I desperately tried to get air. Air surrounded me and yet I couldn't get even a fraction of it to my lungs. Levi's worried face appeared in front of my darkening vision, his lips moved but no sound reached my ears, only the frantic pounding of my heart echoed through my ears. My vision finally went all black and I grew unconscious.

-----Time skip-----

An annoying beeping echoed through my head, my eyes opened only to immediately be shut again due to the brightness of the room. My throat feels dry and my chest aches, what the hell happened? A sudden wave of nausea over takes my body and I lurch to the side throwing up on god knows what. The beeping suddenly got a lot louder as I fully woke up. My whole body hurt, I couldn't move from the awkward position of me leaning over the side of some bed. I opened my eyes, slowly this time as to not blind myself with the brightness of the room. I looked around to see I was in a meticulously clean room that smelt of hand sanitizer. Was I in the hospital? What the fuck happened? Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came in, clip board in hand and smile plastered on her face. When she saw me however the smile smile quickly faded and was replaced by a worried one. Without saying anything she cleaned up the sick lying on the side of the bed and left the room for a bit, only to come back a minute or so after. 

Ereri - One shotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ